Agenda item - Written questions from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Written questions from members of the public.

A list of public questions received by the due date of 12noon on the 26th October, 2017 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


30.1      The Mayor reported that one written question had been received from a member of the public and invited Mr. Harris to come forward and address the council.


30.2      Mr. Harris asked the following question; The agenda for this Full Council and most of the Committees comes out at midnight and most agenda are over three hundred pages of information. You need to submit public questions if you want to get involved within twelve hours and obviously if agendas come out at midnight we have to sleep so that gives us about four hours to read three hundred pages.

            Today councillors are reviewing and debating the constitution it's clear the Labour Group have failed to ensure that public involvement is put at the heart of local council, why isn't the labour group taking the initiative here today and rectifying the abysmal rules which currently only gives the public just 12 hours’ notice to submit questions or deputations to council and committees, should they want involvement?”


30.3      Councillor Moonan replied; “Thank you for your question Mr. Harris.  “Constitutional changes are not just created by the Labour Group they are discussed, debated and agreed by the whole Council.  We publish agendas within our statutory requirement of five clear working days but you're absolutely right that's a very tight window with which someone's got to be aware, read and absorb, and put forward a question. I think you raise a very important, fair point. 


            People can put questions and petitions earlier and there are other ways that people can be in in an engaged in the democratic process and we certainly encourage that. Indeed you can even ask your Ward Councillors to speak on your behalf but if you particularly wanted to put the question I think this is something we should take to the constitutional working group and we should have a cross party debate and see what scope there is to be flexible with our deadlines.”


30.4      Mr. Harris asked the following supplementary question, “It's really about scrutinising policies that are going through the council and the public have an opportunity to read those policies word by word. As you and other Councillors know you cannot do that in four hours.  My supplementary question is to do with the Equality Act (2010). Do you think this policy with public involvement is legal under the Equality Act (2010)? I believe actually this policy is putting disabled people at a disadvantage and we are not able to take part in the democratic process. I expect this to be dealt with today in full Council because otherwise this Council is going to be taken to court for discrimination and it is a disgrace.”


30.5      Councillor Moonan replied, “In the Constitutional Working Group we will have a really good look at the Equalities Act and if in any way we are in breach of engagement with any minority groups of course we will address that as a matter of urgency.”


30.6      The Mayor thanked Mr. Harris for attending the meeting and for his questions and noted that this concluded the item.

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