Agenda item - Removal of Child Burial Fees

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Agenda item

Removal of Child Burial Fees

Report of the Executive Leader Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law (copy attached).




1)        That Members agree to remove permit fee for headstones and the fee for exclusive rights of burial for children aged 17 or younger.


2)        That the changes come into force with immediate effect.


163.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law in relation to Removal of Child Burial Fees. The report proposed the removal of some remaining fees associated with child burials.


163.2      Councillor A. Norman stated that the Council should take action within its power to ease the financial burden on families in what would likely be devastating and unexpected circumstances. She noted her full agreement with the report and the recommendations.


163.3      Councillor Mitchell welcomed the provision that this report would provide and minimise the impact on parents at such a difficult time; it was also noted the Council would retain discretional application of the scheme.


163.4      The Chair noted that there had been a national campaign in Parliament. The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


163.5      RESOLVED:


1)        That Members agree to remove permit fee for headstones and the fee for exclusive rights of burial for children aged 17 or younger.


2)        That the changes come into force with immediate effect.

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