Agenda item - Using Empty Council Buildings for Rough Sleepers
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Agenda item
Using Empty Council Buildings for Rough Sleepers
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 4th May, 2017 4.00pm (Item 160.)
- View the background to item 160.
Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).
1) That the petition be noted.
2) That the provision of night shelter facilities is considered as part of the wider rough sleeper strategy and a cross party group of councillors is formed investigate continuous rough sleeper provision accommodation for the winter period.
3) That the Membership of the cross-party working group calls for evidence from volunteers, homeless groups and agencies, to be agreed with the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care in consultation with the relevant Group Spokespersons.
4) That the Committee notes that a property review, assessment and business case will need to be undertaken to assess any specific building/site property requirements, risks and financial implications of any buildings identified to be used for crisis accommodation.
160.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing in relation to Using Empty Council Buildings for Rough Sleepers. The report sought to investigate the possibility of using empty Council buildings as accommodation for rough sleepers. The Chair also noted that there was a petition in relation to Open Night Shelters for Rough Sleepers, which had been referred from Council on 6 April 2017, the petition would be considered together with the report.
160.2 In response to Councillor Sykes it was confirmed that the status of King’s House had changed since January 2017, and it was again being marketed.
160.3 The Chair noted there was an amendment from the Green Group and asked Councillor Mac Cafferty to propose it. Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that the Green Group welcomed the report, and highlighted that it was important the work be progressed without delay following cross party support at Budget Council. In relation to working with partners, it was vital that the Council work closely with the third and corporate sector as they were, in some cases, ahead of the Council in this work. The amendment sought to ensure the focus was on continuous provision, not just crisis provision, and enable other players in the housing sector to contribute to the discussion through wider engagement.
160.4 Councillor Sykes formally seconded the amendment.
160.5 The Chair noted there was also an amendment from the Conservative Group and asked Councillor Wealls to propose it. Councillor Wealls noted that the amendment sought to make minor changes to one that had already been moved by the Green Group, and sought to prevent the working group becoming unwieldy.
160.6 Councillor Janio formally seconded the amendment.
160.7 Councillor Meadows stated that there was broad cross-party consensus on the issue; she highlighted some of her own recent experiences speaking to rough sleepers. She was inclined to support the Conservative Group amendment as it would allow the group to much more focused.
160.8 Councillor Mitchell hoped the group could be set up quickly, and noted she also supported the Conservative Group amendment.
160.9 Councillor Sykes highlighted the number of empty residential properties in the city, many of these he believed were bought as ‘buy to sit’.
160.10 Councillor Mac Cafferty noted he was satisfied with the wording proposed by the Conservative amendment, and formally withdrew his amendment.
160.11 The Chair then put the proposed Conservative Group amendment to the vote. This was carried.
160.12 The Chair then put the amended recommendations to the vote.
160.13 RESOLVED:
1) That the petition be noted.
2) That the provision of night shelter facilities is considered as part of the wider rough sleeper strategy and a cross party group of councillors is formed investigate continuous rough sleeper provision accommodation for the winter period.
3) That the Membership of the cross-party working group calls for evidence from volunteers, homeless groups and agencies, to be agreed with the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care in consultation with the relevant Group Spokespersons.
4) That the Committee notes that a property review, assessment and business case will need to be undertaken to assess any specific building/site property requirements, risks and financial implications of any buildings identified to be used for crisis accommodation.
Supporting documents:
- Item 160 - Empty Buildings, item 160. PDF 320 KB View as HTML (160./1) 59 KB
- Appendix 1, item 160. PDF 77 KB
- Appendix 2 - HS66 Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016 EIA - Final, item 160. PDF 295 KB View as HTML (160./3) 71 KB
- Item 160 - Green Group Amendment, item 160. PDF 10 KB View as HTML (160./4) 26 KB