Agenda item - Collaboration Framework
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Agenda item
Collaboration Framework
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 3rd July, 2017 4.00pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
(1) That the Commtee agrees the principles, guidance and commitments set out in the Brighton and Hove Collaboration Framework; and
(2) Agrees the council’s commitment to collaborative working and to being an active partner in embedding this in practice through the development of a cross-sector steering group to develop and implement a Collaboration Action Plan.
8.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing which was intended to to give members an oversight of the new city Collaboration Framework and to agree the principles, guidance and commitments set out in the Framework. The Collaboration Framework would complement the existing Community Engagement Framework and had been designed as a practical tool and a policy document which was centred on collaborating for better outcomes, with and between residents, across services and sectors. This work formed part of the wider Communities and Neighbourhoods Portfolio.
8.2 The report highlighted the need for widespread effective collaboration and acknowledged that many organisations in Brighton and Hove already collaborated effectively but there was still room for improvement. The city’s partnerships formed an excellent foundation; however, the aim of the Framework was to get every service in the city to rethink how it operated and to consider how, through better or more collaboration, they could maximise the impact of their work for the benefit of service users or beneficiaries.
8.3 Councillor Simson commended the report and welcomed the capacity building approach and the recognition that it was often easier to effect improvements externally rather than internally. Councillor Peltzer Dunn concurred agreeing that the report was clearly written and that he found the information contained in the appendix very informative.
8.4 Councillor Moonan noted that this report built on that previously considered by Committee considering that it was critical to ensure that mechanisms were in place to ensure that staff/structures worked differently.
8.5 Joanna Martindale, Hangleton and Knoll Project, explained that she was aware that a lot of work had already taken place which was ongoing.
8.5 Councillor West welcomed the report which sought to maximise resources and sought the best possible outcomes particularly for those who were vulnerable. He sought clarification regarding funding streams and the manner in which the various steering groups referred to work in practice.
8.6 RESOLVED – (1) That the Commtee agrees the principles, guidance and commitments set out in the Brighton and Hove Collaboration Framework; and
(2) Agrees the council’s commitment to collaborative working and to being an active partner in embedding this in practice through the development of a cross-sector steering group to develop and implement a Collaboration Action Plan.
Supporting documents:
Collaboration Framework committee report, item 8.
PDF 263 KB View as HTML (8./1) 36 KB
Appendix 1 Collaboration Framework, item 8.
PDF 616 KB View as HTML (8./2) 1 MB