Agenda item - Secretary's Update

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Agenda item

Secretary's Update



Future of the OPC - A letter was sent to the Chief Executive outlining our reasons for objection to the decision to withdraw support, including the absence of consultation with older people throughout the City. We requested a meeting but were directed to politicians if we wished to discuss further. He argued that lack of funding was the cause of the decision. Discussion

Age Friendly Steering Group - The Chair has left the Council and we are currently awaiting a decision about the replacement and further of this process. We wrote to Rob Persey the Executive Director responsible requesting

information about support for the process and he has confirmed that this work will continue. The next meeting is scheduled for September.

Age Friendly Forum - The group met on the 22nd May. We discussed the OPC situation, an update on the Steering group, falls group & Dementia Alliance. The next meeting is on the 4th September at Age UK at 10.30. All welcome.

Grey Matters - the OPC has been asked for an interview about our current situation and the Chair will be co-ordinating with the broadcasters to set a date.

OPC Hustings Meeting - the OPC officers met early May and agreed that older people in the City should have the opportunity to hear from candidates. We managed to arrange a hustings for the 30th May which gained coverage in

Brighton & Hove News & The Argus. The Brighton NPC also supported & participated in distributing flyers for the event. All five main political parties were represented and the meeting was Chaired by Frank Le Duc of Brighton & Hove News. There was an informative debate and we agreed that it was a worthwhile event as did the candidates and Chair.

Older People & Active for Life - OPC officers met with officers & Freedom Leisure on the 24th May to discuss a range of issues about use of facilities by older people. We had established a low take up of the leisure care by those on Pension Credit. New leaflets are being designed to encourage participation & they are looking at their advertising strategy. Also raised dementia awareness at venues and we await action from the take up review.

Health & Well Being Board - held on the 13th June with paper about community meals. The OPC had requested a follow up survey of users impacted by the change to see how they were coping. There was a 40% take up of Approved contractors with a range of other options being taken. Overall seemed fairly smooth transition and Access Point being monitored for requests re meals.

Annual Report - Seeking to establish the support we will be given and OPC members will be providing an update of activities during the year. Can OPC members produce a report of 200 words re activities during the year by the

18th July in preparation for September AGM.

Local Area Teams (LATs) - a number of OPC members attend local LATs across the City and concerns about loss of local PCSOs, homelessness, air quality, loneliness & isolation and community safety amongst issues covered. Any

information received circulated.



Food Partnership - Food partnership & Age UK launch of booklet for older people re “Eating well as you age to stay healthy” to raise awareness re malnutrition at the Bevy on the 1st June at 12.00.

New Older Mens Group - Discussion group for older men in West Hove organised by Steve Andrews of Trust for Developing Communities(TDC). First meeting was on 7th June at Vallance Centre. Contact Steve 07480113773 for

further information.

MindOut- Understanding LGBTQ hardship - workshop on the 7th June at Friends Meeting House at 2.30. Contact or 01273234839.

Dementia Friendly Food Project - Gardening sessions starting 20th June & 18th July every week. Also cookery sessions at Ebenezer Church from 15th June. Contact Sarah Davenport 01273431709 or for further info.

Brighton & Hove in WW1. - Free day event at Jubilee Library on 30th June from 11.00 with range of speakers. Contact .

BBC TV Licensing Community - want to engage with local communities re over 75s licence concession. Interested in giving presentations. Contact . Grey matters might want to interview?

Healthwatch - GP Patient annual survey. Requesting that people complete - questionnaire circulated.

Elder Abuse - Drop in session on Friday 16th June for event to recognise World Elder Abuse Awareness Day at Brighthelm at 13.00 in Hanover Room.

Health & Social Care Network - Launch of network to inform & strengthen voluntary sector partnership with BHCC & CCG. First event re needs of people with complex issues. On 22nd June at 9.00 at Community Base.

Health walks for those with Limited Mobility - on 28th June, 21st August & 7th September in a joint scheme with Shopmobility. All Free. Active for Life team BHCC.

Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospitals - Working with elderly care consultants. New initiative supporting patients in four wards at Sussex County by charity. A launch being hosted in Mayors Parlour on 6th July & OPC officers will attend.

CCG Big Health Conversation - OPC invited to a meeting on 4th July with CCG, BHCC & Community Works. STP also to be discussed. Held at Brighton Dome Cafe at 10.00.



Age Action Alliance - covers items on housing, & tax advice for those on low incomes.

National Pensioners Convention - Ten minute briefing on Manifesto’s covering Social Care & Triple Lock .

Community Works - Members newsletters about events and information re community organisations across the City.

Sick Festival - cultural events in Brighton & Hove during June.


317.2  It was clarified that the leisure card for Freedom Leisure can be applied for online or a form can be collected from any site.


317.3  The possibility of accessing mailing lists for individuals that fall under particular categories e.g. those on pension credit/the elderly population were discussed.


317.4  In regard to the Active for Life event having a large turnout of both the younger and older population may be due to good communication that targeted both groups via a 4 page spread in the B&H Independent paper as well as online. It was agreed that this event had been very inclusive of the older population.


ACTION: All OPC Members to send Lynne Shields and Penny Morley a report of 200 words on activities carried out during the year by 18th July in preparation for the September AGM.



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