Agenda item - Safeguarding Adults Review
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Agenda item
Safeguarding Adults Review
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 3rd July, 2017 4.00pm (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
(1) That the Committee consider and note the findings and recommendations from the Safeguarding Adult Review relating to adult X to ensure that learning from the review is put into practice; and
(2) That the Committee approves the changes in practice which have taken place since the findings were published.
10.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing the purpose of which was to enable the Committee to have an overview of the circumstances of the death of X and the subsequent Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) which had arisen from that.
10.2 The Head of Community Safety, Peter Castleton, explained that the case of X who had died as a result of self-abuse and neglect and had moved to Brighton shortly before his demise as an individual with complex issues had been difficult to engage with and could exhibit hostile behaviour potentially putting those dealing with them at risk of physical violence. The case review following his death had brought forward a number of issues which were in the process of being addressed. Lessons learned and areas for improvement and action taken going forward were highlighted.
10.3 Councillor Norman stated that whilst the report was informative he was concerned that the information contained in it was being considered in the public domain, considering that the individual concerned could be identified. He was surprised that this information was not excluded. Councillor West echoed those concerns. It was confirmed however that information had been redacted as necessary and that the information provided was in the public domain.
10.4 Councillor Moonan commended the work undertaken stating that it was clear that valuable lessons had been learned.
10.5 Councillor Cattell agreed that the work undertaken had been valuable but was concerned that in a climate of continuing budgetary pressure which resulted in services being squeezed or potentially cut that there was a danger that similar tragedies could occur again. Councillor Peltzer Dunn concurred stating that it was important that measures in place were sufficiently robust to ensure that those exhibiting issues of concern did not slip through the net.
10.6 Councillor Daniel, The Chair, also commended the report and its contents suggesting that it would be appropriate for Members to receive further reports as/when appropriate.
10.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee consider and note the findings and recommendations from the Safeguarding Adult Review relating to adult X to ensure that learning from the review is put into practice; and
(2) That the Committee approves the changes in practice which have taken place since the findings were published.
Supporting documents:
Safeguarding Adults Review, item 10.
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Safeguarding Adults Review APX. n 2, item 10.
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