Agenda item - Chairs Communications
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Agenda item
Chairs Communications
33.1 This meeting is being recorded and will be capable of repeated being viewing viable online webcast.
Welcome committee members and also members of the public, to this meeting at St Richard’s Church Hall.
I’d like to use my communications tonight to draw people’s attention to a few key events and activities happening and give my thanks to the hard work and dedication of public sector workers and the citizens of this city for their ongoing efforts to help protect and improve lives of our more vulnerable citizens.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who attended the vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance on 19th November at the Dorset Gardens Methodist church. A very poignant and moving vigil remembering the lives, sadly, lost in our very own city and around the world from transphobic violence. The event was attended by more than 300 people with speakers talking with passion about the ongoing issues of transphobia and community and personal resilience. I’d like to say a particular thank you to the Trans Alliance who organised the event and our own LGBT works forum for all their support behind the scenes.
We have also been playing our part in the 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women which runs from 25th November (the UN International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women) to the 10th December (Human Rights Day). A range of events have and are continuing to happen in the city, including:
o On 30th November the Young People’s Centre is hosting an event called ‘I love consent because…..’ to raise awareness of the importance of consent and healthy relationships.
o Also on 30th there is an ‘Our Encounters with Stalking Conference’ which will launch an internationally available publication written by survivors and professionals drawing on their experiences of stalking.
o And as part of the finale on 9th December 2017 we have RISEfest - a collection of performers and speakers lending their voices to deliver the message that Domestic Abuse & Violence is not OK and will not be tolerated.
You can find out about local events, including booking details, at
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that last year the council proudly secured White Ribbon Accreditation and we are seeking it again for 2017. The White Ribbon Campaign recognises the positive role that men play in preventing violence against women, based on the understanding that most men are not violent. It is therefore a means for men to speak out against violence and abuse and to safely challenge the attitudes and behaviours of a minority of men who use or condone violence against women. I would like to encourage everyone to pledge, or renew their pledge, to never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence and abuse. You can do this online at
Last week the city celebrated Restorative Justice Week with an event themed around Communities, Young People, Neighbourhoods and Housing. Attended by over 80 people representing services in the city that are using restorative practices to repair the harm caused by crime or conflict they got to hear from two nationally renowned key note speakers: RJ Advocate Peter Woolf and Lucy Jaffe, Director of Why Me? Victims for RJ.
Lastly, as I know many of you are aware it is World Aids Day this Friday 1st December. So alongside our white ribbon may we wear our red ribbons with pride to raise awareness and show support for people living with HIV.