Agenda item - Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy
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Agenda item
Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 3rd July, 2017 4.00pm (Item 11.)
- View the background to item 11.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
(1) That the Committee recommends to Council that it endorses the strategy and suggested priority area for reducing crime and disorder in Brighton and Hove agreed by the Committee; and
(2) That Committee recommends to full Council that the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017 – 20 be approved.
11.1 The Head of Community Safety introduced the report which detailed the final draft Community Safety Strategy for 2017 – 20. It was noted that the strategy set out the Brighton and Hove Community Safety Partnership’s plans to address crime and disorder in the city which was a statutory requirement under the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act. The draft strategy had been referred to the March 2017 meeting of the Committee at which some suggested amendments had been put forward by the Committee and subsequently by other partner organisations. All of these suggested changes had now been incorporated into the strategy and the Committee were being asked to approve it and to forward it on to full Council for approval.
11.2 Councillor Simson sought clarification as to whether the anti-social behaviour team still existed within housing and it was confirmed that it did. Councillor Simson went on to state that whilst commending the strategy she was concerned that cuts in funding could have a negative impact on addressing anti-social behaviour and crime and disorder particularly in outlying areas of the city.
11.3 Councillor Peltzer Dunn sought confirmation that if the strategy was approved by Council at its next scheduled meeting on 20 July that it would then be published and any necessary budgetary arrangements made and it was clarified that was so.
11.4 Councillor West commended the strategy, which he saw as an integral to the role of the Committee. In his view in the light of recent events where acts of anti-social behaviour and crime had been linked to terrorism it was more important than ever for communities to stand together in order to combat these issues. The Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing stated that she had attended a recent conference at which the cities approach to addressing these issues had been commended, which had been heartening.
11.5 A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendations set out in the report.
(1) RESOLVED - That the Committee recommends to Council that it endorses the strategy and suggested priority area for reducing crime and disorder in Brighton and Hove agreed by the Committee; and
(2) That Committee recommends to full Council that the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017 – 20 be approved.
Supporting documents:
Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy, item 11.
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Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy APX. n 2, item 11.
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Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy APX. n 3, item 11.
Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy APX. n 4, item 11.
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