Agenda item - Standards Update
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Agenda item
Standards Update
- Meeting of Audit & Standards Committee, Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 4.00pm (Item 14.)
- View the background to item 14.
Report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer
1) That this Committee a) notes the information provided in the Report on member complaints, and b) considers the revisions suggested to the Social Media Protocol for Members and approves those.
14.1 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Law & Monitoring Officer that updated Members on Standards related matters since the previous meeting.
14.2 Councillor Morris asked when the Code of Conduct for Members had last been reviewed specifically in relation to new, emerging forms of media.
14.3 The Lawyer confirmed that following a detailed cross party review of the Code of Conduct, a revised version had been approved by the Committee in November 2016 and by Full Council in December 2016. Furthermore, a specific guidance on social media was available for Members. The Lawyer added that guidance on dealing with the press and communication training could be provided by Democratic Services and the Communications Team should Members request.
14.4 Councillor Robins asked if the £6 charge to Members for council issued mobile phones was still in place as there was often a blurred line between what constituted personal and council use.
14.5 The Lawyer replied that she understood that deduction had been removed and there was provision for a certain degree of personal use of council equipment.
14.6 RESOLVED- That the Committee a) notes the information provided in the Report on Member complaints, and b) considers the revisions suggested to the Social Media Protocol for Members and approves those.
Supporting documents:
Standards Update, item 14.
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20170628133211_011938_0046789_SocialMediaProtocolforMemberssuggestedamendsinclDBs12617, item 14.