Agenda item - Children's Services Partnership Forum

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Agenda item

Children's Services Partnership Forum

Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (copy attached).


RESOLVED: That the Committee –


1.    Agreed to consult upon the light touch temporary review of the secondary school catchment areas to take effect from 2019.


2.    Agreed to recommend to Full Council that any change to secondary school catchment areas remain in effect for two years and that there should be a further review in 2019 to look at admission arrangements from 2021 onwards.


3.    Agreed to the proposed schedule of public consultation events as detailed in the report.


4.    Noted the forecast of pupil numbers in each catchment area as noted in the report.


5.    Agreed to consult upon the proposed revised primary school Published Admission Number (PAN) to take effect from September 2019.


27.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning which updated the Committee on the function and work of the Children’s Services Partnership Forum. The report was introduced by Service Manager, Directorate Policy and Business Support.


27.2    Councillor Wealls was pleased to note the impact of the Forum, and suggested it would be useful to have sight of the Minutes of the meetings. The Service Manager, Directorate Policy and Business Support, said that a summary would be prepared and circulated to members of the Committee.


27.3    Councillor Wealls said that it would be useful to have an update on the Youth Service, and was advised that a report would be provided at the next meeting of the Committee.


27.4    Councillor Phillips asked if members could be advised of when meetings were being held. It was agreed that a forward plan of future meetings would be provided.


27.5    RESOLVED: That the Committee noted and supported the work of the Children Services PartnershipForum.


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