Agenda item - Better Care Plan

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Agenda item

Better Care Plan

Report of the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care (copy attached).


1)            That the Health & Wellbeing Board approves the Brighton & Hove Better Care Plan 2017 – 19 that was submitted to the Department of Health on 11 September 2017


2)        This Board requests that a further report is produced for the November 2017 meeting to provide further details on monitoring and governance arrangements.


28.1    The Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care introduced the report and stated that the Better Care Plan had been submitted on 11 September 2017 and will be moderated by NHS England after which the final plan will be brought back to the board in November. The Plan identified four priorities which have been signed off by partners and featured a full list of recommendations on page 14 of the plan covering a number of issues which had been raised in the meeting.


28.2    The Chair stated that the Better Care Fund was part of why Health & Wellbeing boards had been established and what the Board had worked to arrange.


28.3    Mr Dennett sought to reassure the Board that the plan had been fully reviewed by the CCG and that lessons learnt from how the plan was produced would inform the writing process for future plans.


28.4    The Legal Advisor recommended an officer amendment to the recommendations to delete recommendation 3.1 and add new recommendations 3.1 and 3.2 in bold italics and strike through text as shown below:


3.1      This report is presented for formal approval.

At the pre meeting of the Board following discussion the Board:

·      Agreed the content of the working draft

·      Authorised the Executive Director of Health and Social Care to undertake the final submission following consultation with the Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board and the Accountable Officer

·      Provide the Health & Wellbeing Board with the final submission for information as required by the BCF guidance.

·      Agreed to a further report coming to the Board in November to provide more details on the monitoring and governance arrangement of the BCF in the light of the integration agenda      


3.1      That the Health & Wellbeing Board approves the Brighton & Hove Better Care Plan 2017 – 19 that was submitted to the Department of Health on 11 September 2017


3.2       This Board requests that a further report is produced for the November 2017 meeting to provide further details on monitoring and governance arrangements.


28.5    The Board unanimously agreed to amend the recommendations.


28.6    The Board unanimously voted to agree to the recommendations.




(1)          That the Health & Wellbeing Board approves the Brighton & Hove Better Care Plan 2017 – 19 that was submitted to the Department of Health on 11 September 2017


(2)       This Board requests that a further report is produced for the November 2017 meeting to provide further details on monitoring and governance arrangements.


Supporting documents:


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