Agenda item - Sibling W&X Serious Case Review
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Agenda item
Sibling W&X Serious Case Review
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 9th October, 2017 4.00pm (Item 24.)
- View the background to item 24.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached).
24.1 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee has considered and notes the findings and recommendations from the Serious Case Review relating to W and X to ensure that learning points which had emerged during the course of the review were out into practice; and
(2) That the Committee approves the changes in practices that have taken place since the findings were published in 27 July 2017.
24.1 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee has considered and notes the findings and recommendations from the Serious Case Review relating to W and X to ensure that learning points which had emerged during the course of the review were out into practice; and
(2) That the Committee approves the changes in practices that have taken place since the findings were published in 27 July 2017.
Supporting documents:
Sibling W&X Serious Case Review, item 24.
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Sibling W&X Serious Case Review Apx1, item 24.
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Sibling W&X Serious Case Review Apx2, item 24.
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