Agenda item - Community Safety and Crime in Brighton & Hove

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Agenda item

Community Safety and Crime in Brighton & Hove

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached).



            RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the information contained in the report which provides an update on work being undertaken by the Safe in the City Partnership in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20; and


            (2) The Committee gives its support to the partnership work described in the report and commit to work described which is within the council’s remit, thereby contributing to the management of crime and community safety priorities for the city.


21.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing explaining that under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, there is a requirement for statutory and other partners to formulate a plan every three years to tackle crime and disorder and monitor progress. This report provided an update on the work undertaken by the Safe in the City Partnership in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy focussing on performance in the first quarter of 2017/18.


21.2    The Head of Community Safety, Peter Castleton, and Chief Superintendent Lisa Bell gave a joint presentation setting out the context and background to the information in the report, the headline indicators and those areas which had shown an increase.


21.3    Councillor Cattell asked for further detail about the work that was being undertaken in terms of preventing radicalisation and terrorism and as to the wider partnership strategies in place to recognise and address these issues.


21.4    Councillors Moonan and Simson expressed concern regarding those areas where there had been increases. Whilst it was reassuring to think that individuals were confident in reporting crime, they did not consider that was the sole reason for any increases, it was useful to have context behind those figures.


21.5    Councillor West stated that it was useful to have details of the reporting methods used, expressing concern regarding the impact that further cuts in resources could have, considering that Members should send a strong message regarding that.


21.6    Councillor Simson asked for details regarding sentencing. Whilst not advocating that young offenders should necessarily receive custodial sentences in some instances the sanctions imposed seemed to be very light.


21.7    Councillor Knight expressed concern regarding the increase in the number of sexual assaults and sought confirmation of the measures being taken to combat such crime.


21.8    The Chair, Councillor Daniel noted all of the concerns raised a requesting that updated statistics relating to crime levels be included in the next report which was brought to Committee.


21.9    RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the information contained in the report which provides an update on work being undertaken by the Safe in the City Partnership in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20; and


            (2) The Committee gives its support to the partnership work described in the report and commit to work described which is within the council’s remit, thereby contributing to the management of crime and community safety priorities for the city.

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