Agenda item - Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders
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Agenda item
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 9th October, 2017 4.00pm (Item 22.)
- View the background to item 22.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached).
(1) That the Committee notes the transition of the existing orders into Public Space Protection Orders
(2) That the Committee notes and welcomes a future report on the six month review of the current PSPO in the city which will be carried in October 2017.
22.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing advising that under the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), Crime and Policing Act 2014 the existing Designated Public Place Order, Gating Orders and Dog Control Orders would be treated as Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) from October 2017.
22.2 The Head of Community Safety, Peter Castleton explained that Under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 the existing Designated Public Place Order (DPPO), Gating Orders and Dog Control Orders in place at the time the Act came into force (October 2013) had continued for three years. From October 2017 under the new Act they would be treated as PSPOs. There was no requirement for the council to do anything as the existing orders will automatically transition into three new PSPOs.From October 2017 these orders will automatically transition into PSPOs with the same conditions as the original orders. It had always been possible to rescind these orders at any time if the need arose and the new Act changed nothing in that respect.
22.3 Councillor Knight sought information on the background to these changes in legislation and their implications as she considered the supporting information provided to be lacking in detail.
22.4 RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee notes the transition of the existing orders into Public Space Protection Orders; and .
(2) That the Committee notes and welcomes a future report on the six month review of the current PSPO in the city which will be carried in October 2017.
Supporting documents:
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 1, item 22.
PDF 138 KB View as HTML (22./1) 30 KB
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 2, item 22.
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 3, item 22.
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 4, item 22.
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 5, item 22.
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 6, item 22.
PDF 235 KB
Gating, Dog Control and Designated Public Spaces Orders APX. n 7, item 22.