Agenda item - Community Asset Transfer Policy
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Agenda item
Community Asset Transfer Policy
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 86.)
- View the background to item 86.
Extract from the proceedings of the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee meeting held on the 27November 2017; together with a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture and the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing
That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:
1) Approves adoption of the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to this report.
2) That the Member-led Asset Management Board receives updates annually on Community Asset Transfers undertaken by the council and that this update is published on the council’s website.
86.1 The Committee considered a joint report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture and the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing that requested adoption of the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Policy. The report also provided a minute extract detailing the consideration of the report and associated recommendations by the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities (NICE) Committee.
86.2 Councillor Wealls welcomed the Policy that he believed would provide a clear, open and transparent process. Councillor Wealls asked what opportunities would be available to challenge the cross-council officer group decisions on whether a transfer was appropriate. Councillor Wealls noted that feedback from ward members would be received and suggested that all Members be consulted where an application has a broad social benefit to the city.
86.3 The Assistant Director- Property & Design stated that the application was a very rigorous process and measured to a set criteria and more information would be sought from the applicant if deemed necessary. Any complaints about a decision made could be handled through the established corporate complaints process. The Head of Communities & Equality added that there would be extensive discussions with the applicant by both the Property & Design and Communities teams prior to submission.
86.4 The Chief Executive explained that in instances where the application was turned down, Members would have the opportunity to lobby senior officers on the matter and an appropriate response and action could be taken on the basis of the information available.
86.5 Councillor Wealls stated that it would be useful to add a brief explanation of the challenge process for both applicants and ward members in the document.
86.6 Officers confirmed that sections on both the process for challenge and consultation with Members on broader issues would be included.
86.7 Councillor Janio requested that the language used in section 6.4 of the Policy could be made clearer as it was currently very complex.
86.8 The Assistant Director- Property & Design confirmed this amendment would be made.
86.9 Councillor Yates welcomed the Policy however; he believed that the Policy should be explicit that the wider community would be consulted on any transfer to ensure there was widespread support.
86.10 The Head of Communities & Equality explained that it was intended that such an issue would be highlighted by ward members as community representatives but also demonstration of widespread support would be a mandatory requirement of the expression of interest. The Head of Communities & Equality stated that the Policy could be amended to make that point stronger and specific.
86.11 Councillor Peltzer Dunn welcomed the Policy however; he felt the additional details checklist should be positioned at the start of the document so applicants were clear on what was required before beginning the process.
86.12 The Assistant Director- Property & Design confirmed that this could be amended in the document.
86.13 RESOLVED- That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:
1) Approves adoption of the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to this report.
2) That the Member-led Asset Management Board receives updates annually on Community Asset Transfers undertaken by the council and that this update is published on the council’s website.
Supporting documents:
Item 85 CAT NICE Extract, item 86.
PDF 121 KB View as HTML (86./1) 28 KB
Community Asset Transfer Policy, item 86.
PDF 237 KB View as HTML (86./2) 30 KB
Community Asset Transfer Policy APX. n 1, item 86.
PDF 908 KB