Agenda item - Presentation by Resident Inspectors
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Agenda item
Presentation by Resident Inspectors
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: West Hove & Portslade Area, Tuesday, 5th September, 2017 2.00pm (Item 4.)
- View the background to item 4.
Presentation to be given by Resident Inspectors.
4.1 Eddie Cope, Resident Inspector, gave a presentation and showed a video that outlined the role of the resident inspectors. The following points were highlighted:
· The Resident Inspectors would compare the findings in the flat to a list provided by Mears detailing the work that had been completed.
· Mr Cope showed an example questionnaire that would be completed by the Resident Inspectors and this would then be sent to Mears.
4.2 In response to queries raised by the Panel Mr Cope highlighted the following:
· Serious matters, such as a water leak, would be classified as an urgent matter and this would be fixed before tenants moved in to the property. Other recorded works would be reported to Mears and these would not be prioritised.
· Non-urgent repair work could be completed once the tenant had moved in to the property.
· An occupational therapist would assess a flat before a disabled resident moved in to ensure the adaptations were completed.
· The Resident Inspectors did not know the resident who was to let the property that they were inspecting.
· Not all ground flats could be disabled access as there could still be accessibility issues. This was usually with the external entrance.