Agenda item - Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2018/2019

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Agenda item

Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2018/2019

Report of the Executive Director; Families, Children and Learning (Copy attached)



RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


1.    That the level of available capital resources totalling £6.487 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant be noted.


2.    That the Committee agree the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 and recommend this to Policy Resources and Growth Committee on 29 March 2018 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2018/19.


3.    That the Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources and Growth Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.


65.1    The Head of School Organisation presented the Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2018/19. He corrected two errors in the report.


65.2    Councillor Brown stated she was pleased that all D1 issues were addressed along with many of the D2 issues, she emphasised the need for the refurbishment of school toilets. She enquired what plans had been made to spend the unspent  Section 106 monies, what was the reason for the expected drop of money for the Service Schools Buy Back option which had previously generated £600000. She further enquired what the specific uses for the £500000 from the Department of Education would be. Clarification on school accommodation problems was requested, specifically if classrooms from Brunswick and West Blatchington would be moved to Varndean.


65.3    The Head of School Organisation stated that in regards to the Buy Back arrangements, the modelling for next year takes in to account the increasing pressures on schools. He further clarified that extra funding could be used to address more D2 issues, he further stated that consultation with various groups such as the Parent and Carers Council, was paramount to clarify how SEND funding by the Department of Education will be spent. It was clarified that Varndean was able to accommodate additional children without additional accommodation required.


65.4    Councillor Brown further enquired as to the possibility of further refurbishing school toilets in relation to the Section 106 money.


65.5    The Head of School Organisation confirmed that Section 106 money would continue to be spent over the next 5 years, he further noted that addressing D2 issues early on was integral to managing the BHCC estate effectively.


65.6    Councillor Wealls requested clarification on the status of funding of SEN Capital funding for the last 2 financial years.


65.7    The Head of School Organisation confirmed that there was no change in terms of resources; he further noted that this was a re-profiling of the money that had been identified over the last two financial years.


65.8    Adam Muirhead enquired if there was a contingency for Section 106 underspend.


65.9    The Head of School Organisation stated that the Section 106 money had a specific remit for educational provision.


65.10  Martin Jones referred to the possible sale of buildings and enquired if the money identified had to be used for the building works or if it could be used for SEN.


65.11  The Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning stated that this wasn’t just relevant to education buildings, he further clarified that there was a specific process in place that involved other committees in regards to ring-fenced funding.


65.12  RESOLVED: That the Committee agree:


1.    That the level of available capital resources totalling £6.487 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant be noted.


2.    That the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 and recommend this to Policy Resources and Growth Committee on 29 March 2018 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2018/19.


3.    That the Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources and Growth Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.

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