Agenda item - Presentation by Resident Inspectors

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Agenda item

Presentation by Resident Inspectors

Presentation to be given by Resident Inspectors.


4.1       Eddie Cope, Resident Inspector, presented the report and explained the role of resident inspectors, he stated that in March progress was made in the effort to revise the process. He noted that they were looking in to EDB projects taken from ideas across Brighton and hove. He further clarified that the role was to work alongside and to hold contractors to account.


4.2       Hannah Barker, Resident Involvement Officer, presented a short video to show the role of Residents Inspectors.


4.3       An officer enquired as to the frequency of Resident Inspector visits.


4.4       Eddie Cope stated that resident inspectors make 24 visits a year, he further clarified that Resident Inspectors have been performing the role for 4 years.


4.5       The Chair stated and praised the excellent partnership between Resident Inspectors and contractors.


4.6       AGREED – that the report be noted.


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