Agenda item - Quarter 1 Performance Report

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Agenda item

Quarter 1 Performance Report

Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).


11.1    Ododo Dafe presented the Quarter 1 Performance Report, she highlighted the main points from the report such as 46 indicators being  measured and work completed in relation to the Estate Development Budge. She requested feedback and any suggestions in relation to setting appropriate targets in future.


11.2    A resident agreed that this should be taken to EDB panel but was sceptical of the proposal to impose time targets on this due to various issues to take in to account such as consultations required where projects are only partly funded.


11.3    Officers agreed this could be brought to Estate Development Budget Panel, also agreed to the notion of not placing time targets.


11.4    AGREED – that the report be noted.



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