Agenda item - Minutes & Committee Action Log
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Agenda item
Minutes & Committee Action Log
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2017 (copy attached).
19.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 July 2017 be approved and signed as the correct record.
19.2 In relation to minute item 10.3, Dr Horne requested that a report be brought to the next meeting with an update on actions to improve controls to prevent parking fraud and losses due to a continued lack of progress on the matter.
19.3 The Committee agreed the request.
Supporting documents:
Draft minutes 25.07.2017, item 19.
PDF 244 KB View as HTML (19./1) 91 KB
6- Action Log for A&S- 25 07 17, item 19.
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