Agenda item - New bus shelters - criteria for selection of sites
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Agenda item
New bus shelters - criteria for selection of sites
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 52.)
- View the background to item 52.
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That committee approves the methodology attached (Appendix A) for the assessment of requests for new bus shelters with the following amendments:
i. Delete Scoring Detail for Initial Criteria, Criterion 3, NB1
ii. Point a) of Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible to read “Each site would be observed during a one hour morning and afternoon/evening peak and one hour morning and afternoon/ evening off-peak period, and numbers of users counted. They would then be prioritised in order of popularity in conjunction with the bus stop usage figures supplied by the bus operators”.
iii. To Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible add point c) to read “Locations with high demographic numbers of elderly and/or vulnerable people, as measured by partner organisations such as Brighton & Hove Connected, would be given an additional point”.
2) That officers bring back to a subsequent committee for approval the existing (and updated) list of requests with the new methodology applied.
52.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that proposed a robust assessment methodology for bus shelter site requests. The Senior Project Manager noted that there was a factual error in paragraph 3.4 of the report and “cost which can be ten times more” should read “cost which can be considerably more”.
52.2 On behalf of the Conservative Group, Councillor Wares moved a motion to amend recommendation 2.1 as shown in bold italics below:
2.1 That committee approves the methodology attached (Appendix A) for the assessment of requests for new bus shelters with the following amendments:
i. Delete Scoring Detail for Initial Criteria, Criterion 3, NB1
ii. Point a) of Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible to read “Each site would be observed during a one hour morning and afternoon/evening peak and one hour morning and afternoon/ evening off-peak period, and numbers of users counted. They would then be prioritised in order of popularity in conjunction with the bus stop usage figures supplied by the bus operators”.
iii. To Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible add point c) to read “Locations with high demographic numbers of elderly and/or vulnerable people, as measured by partner organisations such as Brighton & Hove Connected, would be given an additional point”.
52.3 Councillor Peltzer Dunn formally seconded the motion.
52.4 Councillor Atkinson welcomed a more transparent and robust criteria. Councillor Atkinson stated that he had some initial concern about the removal of point 3 in the amendment but believed that was balanced out by adding point c) to the feasibility assessment.
52.5 The Chair put the motion to the vote which were passed.
52.6 The Chair put the recommendations, as amended to the vote which were passed.
1) That committee approves the methodology attached (Appendix A) for the assessment of requests for new bus shelters with the following amendments:
i. Delete Scoring Detail for Initial Criteria, Criterion 3, NB1
ii. Point a) of Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible to read “Each site would be observed during a one hour morning and afternoon/evening peak and one hour morning and afternoon/ evening off-peak period, and numbers of users counted. They would then be prioritised in order of popularity in conjunction with the bus stop usage figures supplied by the bus operators”.
iii. To Scoring Detail for Sites Identified as Feasible add point c) to read “Locations with high demographic numbers of elderly and/or vulnerable people, as measured by partner organisations such as Brighton & Hove Connected, would be given an additional point”.
2) That officers bring back to a subsequent committee for approval the existing (and updated) list of requests with the new methodology applied.
Supporting documents:
New bus shelters - criteria for selection of sites, item 52.
PDF 211 KB View as HTML (52./1) 26 KB
Appendix A Shelter priority: criteria & process., item 52.
PDF 137 KB View as HTML (52./2) 34 KB
Item 52 Cons Grp Amendment, item 52.
PDF 264 KB View as HTML (52./3) 27 KB