Agenda item - Presentation by Resident Inspectors

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Agenda item

Presentation by Resident Inspectors

Presentation to be given by Resident Inspectors.


4.1       Keeley McDonald, Resident Inspector, gave a presentation and showed a video that outlined the role of the resident inspectors. The following points were highlighted:


·         The Resident Inspectors would compare the findings in the flat to a list provided by Mears detailing the work that had been completed.


·         Mr Cope showed an example questionnaire that would be completed by the Resident Inspectors and this would then be sent to Mears.


4.2       In response to queries raised by the Panel Mr Cope highlighted the following:


·         Serious matters, such as a water leak, would be classified as an urgent job and this would be fixed before tenants moved in to the property. Other recorded works would be reported to Mears and these would not be prioritised.


4.3      Councillor Meadows stated that BHCC does not make any money from void properties.


4.4      Cllr Yates suggested possibility of photos being taken and uploaded as proof of work having been completed.


4.5      Mears Officers clarified that in the case of void properties a standard within the framework designated as “lettable” constitutes the minimum order of work for tenants required, so as to able to let the new tenant move in straight away as it is important to house people at that point, they noted that there were no situations where works are carried out on a whole property as it is too time consuming.


4.6                   AGREED – that the report be noted.


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