Agenda item - Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio - Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case
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Agenda item
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio - Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 27th November, 2017 4.00pm (Item 38.)
- View the background to item 38.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)
38.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing which set out the Business Case for a new Field Officer role. The report was introduced by the Environmental Health Manager.
38.2 Councillor Cattell said that it was a fantastic initiative and good for residents.
38.3 Councillor West welcomed the idea, and thought it was sensible that there would be officers who would undertake visits to relieve pressure on experienced staff who would be more effective in the office. However, he was concerned at how well it would work. He was worried that late-night noise patrol would be replaced by officers who worked no later than 8pm, and felt that the public had an expectation that if there was a noise issue late at night that someone would be available to investigate, and was concerned that the ability to undertake the role relied heavily on mobile IT equipment working and there were frequent times when that didn't happen. Councillor West said that he thought the administration were rushing the matter through and suggested that the matter be deferred whilst a pilot scheme was undertaken. He said that at present the Green Group could not agree the report’s recommendations. The Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing said that there hadn’t been a pilot scheme as no two areas within the city were the same and so if it was undertaken in one area, it would then be necessary to undertake a pilot in the next area. With regard to the late night patrol, it could be dangerous and the Council were responsible for their staff’s welfare.
38.4 Councillor A Norman referred to ‘party houses’ which frequently had complaints over noise, and asked if that was something which would be covered by Field Officers. The Environmental Health Manager said that the Council had a number of digital recorders which could be put into properties which were regularly the subject of complaint, to record the noise levels. The Council would then be able to assess whether there was a statutory nuisance.
38.5 Councillor Simson said that she was initially supportive of the proposals, but said that there were a number of outstanding issues which needed to be resolved, and she was concerned that the role of Field Officers was so wide that they would not be able to fulfil all their duties. In response to questions raised by Councillor Simson, the Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing advised the Committee that there would be no additional funding taken from the HRA account, but the money would be a virement from the existing budget; the underspend came from vacancies within Regulatory Services; the Field Officers would not duplicate the work of 3GS, and would work across the city and at weekends which 3GS did not do.
38.6 Councillor Bewick supported the recommendations, and said that the Field Officers would be able to investigate many of the issues which concerned residents. In response to a question raised by Councillor Simson, the Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing, advised the Committee that it was anticipated that there would be revenue generated from enforcement, but at the moment it had not been decided whether that money would go back to the host service or the service the issue related to.
38.7 Councillor K Norman said that he agreed with some of the comments from Councillor West.
38.8 The Chair noted that some members of the Committee had concerns over the feasibility of the role of Field Officers, and was concerned that members appearing to not be supportive of the initiative. Councillor A Norman said that the report was detailed, but there were still a number of issues which Councillors needed further information on.
38.9 Councillor A Norman proposed that the report was deferred to the NICE Committee meeting in January 2018, when a more informed decision could be made. The proposal was seconded by Councillor West. The Committee agreed.
38.10 The Chair suggested that the Environmental Health Manager meet with members of the Committee prior to the January meeting, to discuss the proposals with them in more depth.
38.11 RESOLVED: That the report be deferred to the meeting of the Neighbourhood, Inclusion & Equalities Committee due to be held on 22 January 2018.
Supporting documents:
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio - Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case, item 38.
PDF 643 KB View as HTML (38./1) 84 KB
Final - Full Business case 27-9-2017, item 38.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (38./2) 139 KB
Addendum - Field Officer, item 38.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (38./3) 662 KB
Addendum - Field Officer FINAL 151117, item 38.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (38./4) 661 KB