Agenda item - Section 106 - 2016/17 Contributions Financial Report
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Agenda item
Section 106 - 2016/17 Contributions Financial Report
- Meeting of Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, Thursday, 16th November, 2017 4.00pm (Item 36.)
- View the background to item 36.
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
36.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture which provided information and updates on the type and value of financial contributions made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in 2016/17.
36.2 It was noted that these payments were secured through planning agreements or undertakings (“planning obligations”) as part of the planning application process and were determined by Planning Committee. This information was published in response to the recommendations in the Planning Advisory Group (PAS) Planning Peer Review, as it provided further information on measures to mitigate the impact of new development; and was more open and transparent. The report set out the type and value of contributions and the process for the allocation of contributions. The report also identified the need to meet policy objectives and the tests which needed to be applied including the need to be mindful of community infrastructure requirements and where sums of money received needed to be applied, this latter process formed part of the application process and was very specific.
36.3 Councillor Mears commended the report which had sought to detail the complexities of this issue. Councillor Mears sought clarification regarding instances where monies were returned to a central “pot” when they were not spent by the end of any given financial year. She was aware of instances of this in her own ward. It was explained that instances of this were very rare however, if Councillor Mears required a break-down in relation to individual schemes officers would be happy to provide that information.
36.4 Councillor C Theobald asked for clarification in respect of the allocation process as in some instances it appeared that monies were not allocated correctly. It was explained that funds were allocated in accordance with very strict criteria towards specific improvements/mitigation measures and could not be applied for general improvements.
36.5 Councillor Druitt noted the huge amount of work which had been undertaken in preparing the report, he also noted that in some instances it took some time before the sums of money allocated were spent. He wondered whether/how it would be possible to speedup/facilitate that process. The Head of Planning, Policy and Major Projects, Liz Hobden stated that strategies were in the process of being put into place to seek to ensure that schemes were prioritised more effectively, and current arrangements would be reviewed in a few months time.
36.6 Councillor Cattell commended the report which provided clarity about the structures in place to facilitate delivery of projects across the city. Councillor Cattell referred to the recent planning permission given in respect of the Sackville Hotel site in Hove. As a result of the on-going work which had taken place during the course of the application it had been possible to complete and sign off the Section 106 Obligation within seven days of planning permission being granted.
36.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the content of the report detailing the s.106 financial contributions held and those sums secured, received and spent within the last financial year (2016/17); and
(2) That Committee agrees that updates are to be reported at the end of each financial year.
Supporting documents:
- Section 106 - 2016/17 Contributions Financial Report, item 36. PDF 250 KB View as HTML (36./1) 36 KB