Agenda item - Greater Brighton City Region Workshop

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Agenda item

Greater Brighton City Region Workshop

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


(Appendix 1 to follow)


1)            That the Board note the report and approves the recommended next steps in terms of future working with Central Government.


14.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that set out the outcomes and recommended next steps of the two day Greater Brighton City Region Workshop held on 28 September and 29 September 2017.


14.2      Councillor Morgan thanked officers for arranging the Workshop and partners from across the region for hosting visits. Councillor Morgan stated that the Workshop would help make a case for investment in the Region and it was essential to move forward with an economic strategy in the coming months.


14.3      Andrew Swayne congratulated officers for their excellent work arranging the Workshop and further praised the report and supported efforts to move forward with proposals.


14.4      Councillor Wall stated that he had recently attended meetings with the Minister of State for Digital, the Secretary of State for Transport and Ministers from the Department for Education where he had promoted both Mid Sussex and the Greater Brighton Region. Councillor Wall stated that Ministers fully understood the Regions asks and it was important to continue to build relationships.


14.5      Councillor Janio stated that the Workshop had been very good and the recommended next steps were expertly reflected in the report. Councillor Janio stated that it was important to move on to specific requests in the near future.


14.6      Prof. Davies stated that the Workshop had included many good events and the outcomes reflected that very well. Prof. Davies added that the Universities were keen to support delivering the outcomes and it would be important to be readied for the forthcoming release of the White Paper.


14.7      Cath Goodall stated that on behalf of central government, the Workshop had been very useful and very informative. Cath Goodall supplemented that it was important for the Board to work with the LEP on the specifics of its offer to government.


14.8      RESOLVED- That the Board note the report and approves the recommended next steps in terms of future working with Central Government.

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