Agenda item - Business Rates Retention Forecast 2018/19
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Agenda item
Business Rates Retention Forecast 2018/19
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 83.)
- View the background to item 83.
Report of the Executive Director, Finance & Resources
That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:
1) Notes that the amount forecast to be received by the council in 2018/19 from its share of local business rates and section 31 Local Government Act 2003 compensation grants is £61.361m, based on the latest data.This is £0.238m above the forecast used in the November draft budget proposals report.
2) Delegates the agreement of the final business rates forecast and the NNDR1 2018/19 form to the Executive Director of Finance & Resources following consultation with the Chair of this Committee for the reasons given in paragraph 1.2.
That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:
1) Notes that the amount forecast to be received by the council in 2018/19 from its share of local business rates and section 31 Local Government Act 2003 compensation grants is £61.361m, based on the latest data.This is £0.238m above the forecast used in the November draft budget proposals report.
2) Delegates the agreement of the final business rates forecast and the NNDR1 2018/19 form to the Executive Director of Finance & Resources following consultation with the Chair of this Committee for the reasons given in paragraph 1.2.
Supporting documents:
Business Rates Retention Forecast 2018/19, item 83.
PDF 228 KB View as HTML (83./1) 74 KB
Appendix 1 - NNDR1 form 2018-19, item 83.
PDF 265 KB View as HTML (83./2) 148 KB