Agenda item - The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:

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Agenda item

The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:

(1).     Mental Health Services.  Proposed by Councillor Penn (copy attached).


(2).     Brighton Centre Winter Night Shelter.  Proposed by Councillor Moonan (copy attached).


(3).     Scrap the Fee.  Proposed by Councillor Hill (copy attached).


(4).     Resetting the Council’s Relationship with the Trade Unions.  Proposed by Councillor Janio (copy attached).


(5).     Women’s Suffrage.  Proposed by Councillor (copy attached).


(6).     County Lines.  Proposed by Councillor Daniel (copy attached).


(7).     Bursaries for Nurses.  Proposed by Councillor Deane (copy attached).


(8).     Clean Air Day.  Proposed by Councillor Greenbaum (copy attached).


(1)  Mental Health Service


72.1         The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Penn on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Allen.


72.2         Councillor Taylor moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group which was seconded by Councillor Brown.


72.3         The Mayor noted that the Conservative amendment had been accepted by Councillor Penn and put it to the vote which was carried unanimously.


72.4         The Mayor then put the following substantive motion as amended to the vote:


This council requests the Chief Executive to write to the respective Leaders of all Parliamentary Political Parties requesting that a working group is established to challenge Mental Health service delivery through the NHS and work together to improve the situation that would include:-

·                Ensuring services are fully funded and fit for purpose, so that parity of esteem can be achieved, and that people can be treated locally wherever possible so that they can be supported by their families, carers and voluntary services.

·                Ending the fragmentation of services and ensure there are clear pathways to treatment and counselling regardless of level of need.

·                Ensuring that everyone experiencing a mental health crisis is given prompt and appropriate treatment.

·                Guaranteeing everyone detained under S136 of the Mental Health Act is taken to an appropriate and best place for the individual.

That this Council also recognises that Government funding on mental health services for the CCGs has increased by £573 million and that the Government pilot scheme grant in 2015 to Brighton and Hove City Council to improve mental health in children in schools has had positive results in diverting referrals away from CAHMS.


72.5         The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


(2)  Brighton Centre Winter Night Shelter


72.6         The Mayor noted that the item had been taken in conjunction with Item 67 on the agenda and had been carried.





(3)  Scrap the Fee


72.7         The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Hill on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Cattell.


72.8         The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


This council resolves to support the Scrap the Fee campaign by:

·                Calling on the Secretary of State for Health to scrap the unfair and unjust fee which GPs are currently permitted to charge for letters needed for legal aid applications in cases of domestic violence, by for example bringing this service under the NHS contract;

·                Calling on Brighton and Hove CCG to request local GPs as a voluntary measure not to charge fees for letters needed for legal aid applications in cases of domestic violence.


72.9         Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


(4)  Resetting the Council’s Relationship with the Trade Unions


72.10      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Janio on behalf of the Conservative Group and seconded by Wealls.


72.11      Councillor Hamilton moved an amendment on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group which was seconded by Councillor Mitchell.


72.12      The Mayor noted that the Labour amendment had not been accepted by Councillor Janio and put it to the vote which was carried by 29 votes to 19.


72.13      The Mayor then put the following substantive motion as amended to the vote:


This Council calls on the Chief Executive to:

1       Continue to demonstrate through current work on the People Plan that the most valuable resource of this Council is its workforce;

2       Note the extremely negative impact of austerity on all public sector workers  including council staff, with knock-on impact to many people including workplace representatives, and which should be addressed by sufficient funding for public services;

3       Note that the LGA Peer Review indicated that the Council’s relationship with the Trades Unions is dysfunctional;

4       Note that the LGA Peer Review called for external facilitation to be brought in to enable a ‘re-set’ to take place;

5       Note the concern of the trades unions expressed during the recent consultation process for The Royal Pavilion and Museums Trust Arrangements;

6       Note positive steps taken towards an improved relationship through the written Trades Union Recognition Agreement;

7       In agreement with the trade unions, confirm other appropriate steps that might be explored with the aim of having the best possible working relationship despite the impact of austerity.


72.14      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried by 29 votes to 19.


(5)  Women’s Suffrage


72.15      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Hyde on behalf of the Conservative Group and seconded by Simson.


72.16      The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


This Council resolves to:

Call on the Chief Executive to bring a report to the next Policy, Resources & Growth Committee with details of all the events planned in the City to celebrate the centenary of Women’s Suffrage.


72.17      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


(6)  County Lines


72.18      The joint Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Daniel on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and the Conservative Group and seconded by Miller.


72.19      The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote.


This council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the Home Secretary, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Secretary of State for Education, requesting that the government develops a national strategy to address the issue of County Lines, which would:

·                provide clear and effective national support for work being put together at a local level

·                facilitate working across local authority boundaries, for example the need to track perpetrators and children across boundaries,

·                address the need for ongoing support for young people and families that are affected

·                provide guidance on timeliness of interviewing young people who have been found after having been notified as missing

·                recognise that effective action may result in more children entering care

·                identify appropriate skills and resources for local authorities and local police forces and other relevant agencies to support a national strategy and deal with the impact of County Lines.


72.20      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


(7)  Bursaries for Nurses


72.21      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Deane on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Page.


72.22      Councillor K. Norman moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group which was seconded by Councillor Simson.


72.23      The Mayor noted that the Conservative amendment had not been accepted by Councillor Deane and put it to the vote which was carried by 38 votes to 11.


72.24      The Mayor then put the following substantive motion as amended to the vote:


This Council notes the current shortage of NHS nurses, which has reached critical levels and as such may well have an impact on the quality of services Brighton and Hove residents will receive. This Council further notes grave concerns expressed by the Royal College of Nurses about challenges in recruiting new nurses and retaining existing levels both locally and nationally.

This Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State requesting that bursaries for nursing degree courses be reinstated with immediate effect to help to avoid a worsening of this situation from 2020 onwards.

This Council also asks that the Chairs of Health and Wellbeing Board and HOSC request a report to be brought to these respective committees when necessary and as determined by the respective Chairs, detailing the progress on work done around improving retention of nurses.


72.25      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


(8)  Clean Air Day


72.26      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Greenbaum on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Mac Cafferty.


72.27      The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


This council notes that Nitrogen dioxide concentrations in Brighton and Hove continue to exceed EU and UK standards; with Public Health England estimating that exposure to ‘fine particulate matter’ contributes 5-6% to all causes of annual mortality in the city.

This Council resolves to:

1.     Request that a report be brought to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, exploring the potential to introduce an annual Cleaner Air Day from 2018, with the aim of raising awareness of the causes and effects of air pollution and thereby helping residents to understand how they can help clean up our air and protect themselves and their children.

2.     That such a report assess the implementation of a Cleaner Air Day with consideration of:

-      suitable roads to be closed,

-      the most practicable date,

-      any economic and environmental costs and effects, both short and long term.


72.28      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.


Note:    Closure Motion.


72.29      The Mayor noted that the meeting had been in session for four hours and therefore in having regard to the constitution, she was required to move a closure motion under procedural rule 17 to terminate the meeting.


72.30      The Mayor then put the motion to close the meeting to the vote which was carried by 38 votes to 11.


72.31      The Mayor noted that having agreed to close the meeting, there was a need to move into closed session, in order to vote on the recommendations of the Appointments & Remuneration Panel meeting held on the 26th January 2018.  She therefore asked Members to remain and for the council chamber and public gallery to be cleared of the press and public and any officers not directly required to remain.


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