Agenda item - Chair's Communications
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Agenda item
Chair's Communications
Uber Update
11.1 The Chair, Councillor O’Quinn, confirmed that a decision had been made in respect of Uber by officers in consultation with herself and the two lead members, Councillor Hyde and Councillor Deane. The decision had been made to renew the licence for 6 months as they had considered it was necessary to see what transpired between TfL and Uber regarding Uber’s appeal. A decision would be taken in the New Year on how to approach the licence renewal for Uber and it seemed likely that this would be decided by a panel, which meant it would be a public hearing. In the meantime it had been pleasing to see the large number of joint taxi enforcements that have been carried out between TfL and the Brighton and Hove Licensing team.
11.2 A training session had taken place with the highly regarded Jim Button at the end of October, this had been an especially helpful session which had been highly informative and had given all who had attended a greater insight into the current issues regarding taxi legislation.
11.3 The consultation carried out in relation to street trading with both the general public and street traders had received a good response and was to be considered elsewhere on the agenda for that days meeting. She had received 3 complaints in the last week about a food vending street trader parking on double yellow line in Goldstone Villas so she hoped that this matter, and others like it, would be resolved when that item was considered.
11.4 The Chair went on to say that she hoped members had noted the further information which had been provided on driver enforcement and monitoring matters. It had now been established that the most difficult matters would come to her as Chair and to the two lead members for discussion. If a matter was really serious and required immediate suspension then officers would come to members as soon as possible after they had taken action. She felt that this would allow members to have more insight into how enforcement, revocations etc. were dealt with.
11.5 An emergency taxi forum was to be held on the 20 December to discuss the emissions policy, as was of considerable significance for taxi drivers.
11.6 RESOLVED – That the content of the Chair’s Communications be received and noted.