Agenda item - Presentation(s)
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Agenda item
Before proceeding to the formal business of the meeting there will be a brief presentation by representatives on behalf of the Hangleton & Hove & Knoll Project detailing work on the development of Neighbourhood Action Plans.
Following the presentation Members will have the opportunity to ask questions following which there will be a short break before proceeding to the main business of the agenda.
34.1 Ms J Martindale (Chief Executive Hangleton & Knoll Project) and Ms E McDermott (B&HCC) gave a presentation about the Hangleton & Knoll Project, and the development and benefits of a Neighbourhood Action Plan. A draft copy of the Hangleton & Knoll Action Plan was circulated at the meeting. The Committee were informed that the project had worked with councillors, residents, officers and other stakeholders to produce an action plan. The action plan would identify resources, partnerships and opportunities, to meet the needs and priorities of people living in the local area. Producing the plan was an opportunity to prioritise projects, activities and actions for the local community and to bring resources to the area to improve the local services. The Local Action Team, which was called Community Action, was a long established and well attended group and the members agreed that ownership of the plan would sit with them. A community conference was held which was attended by a cross section of the local community to discuss the plan. Council officers from across the authority looked at the draft plans to see what could be achieved, and what responses could be given. Not all the issues in the Action Plan were for the City Council, so some action points would be responded to by local community groups.
34.2 The Chair and members of the Committee thanked them for the presentation and applauded the work they were doing.