Agenda item - Workplace Wellbeing in the Council
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Agenda item
Workplace Wellbeing in the Council
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 91.)
- View the background to item 91.
Report of the Executive Director, Finance & Resources
That committee:
1) Notes the wellbeing support available to staff and work underway to improve the arrangements in place with additional support and resources.
2) Notes Health & Wellbeing forms a strand of work under the council’s People Plan. (Committee will receive an update on this on 3 May 2018).
3) Considers member involvement to demonstrate the importance of this work to the council in its role as the employer.
4) Notes that it will receive a future update from the Wellbeing Steering Group on future priorities with an action plan for wellbeing including resourcing impacts and expected benefits.
5) Notes the indicators that will enable the council to chart progress.
91.1 RESOLVED- That committee:
1) Notes the wellbeing support available to staff and work underway to improve the arrangements in place with additional support and resources.
2) Notes Health & Wellbeing forms a strand of work under the council’s People Plan. (Committee will receive an update on this on 3 May 2018).
3) Considers member involvement to demonstrate the importance of this work to the council in its role as the employer.
4) Notes that it will receive a future update from the Wellbeing Steering Group on future priorities with an action plan for wellbeing including resourcing impacts and expected benefits.
5) Notes the indicators that will enable the council to chart progress.
Supporting documents:
Workplace Wellbeing in the Council, item 91.
PDF 350 KB View as HTML (91./1) 35 KB
Health & Safety at Work Statistics for Great Britain APX. n 1, item 91.
PDF 372 KB
People Plan Overview APX. n 2, item 91.
PDF 80 KB View as HTML (91./3) 100 KB