Agenda item - Member Involvement
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Agenda item
Member Involvement
To consider the following matters raised by Members:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions submitted;
(i) Parking in Chalfont Drive and Ash Close- Councillor Brown
(ii) Proposed light touch parking scheme between The Droveway and Barrowfield Estate- Councillor Taylor
(b) Written Questions: To consider any written questions;
(c) Letters: To consider any letters;
(i) Withdean Road- Councillors A Norman, K Norman & Taylor
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee.
(i) Banning of single use plastics
(i) Parking in Chalfont Drive and Ash Close- Councillor Brown
38.1 The Committee considered a petition signed by 47 people requesting the Council extend the proposed light touch parking scheme for Hove Park ward to include Chalfont Drive and Ash Close.
38.2 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you for your petition and I’m really pleased to say yes, Chalfont Drive and Ash Close can both be included in the upcoming parking scheme consultation because there is a natural link to the proposed Hove Park area and as you say, these roads were part of the initial Hove Park ward consultation who voted against but they can be included at this stage now that residents have had a chance to reconsider their decision and have produced the petition.
Residents will be consulted on the proposals in Spring 2018”.
38.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(ii) Proposed light touch parking scheme between The Droveway and Barrowfield Estate- Councillor Taylor
38.4 The Committee considered a petition signed by 68 people that requested the Council consult with residents of Hazeldene Meads, The Beeches, Chalfont Drive and Ash Close to extend the proposed light touch parking scheme to include the two estates.
38.5 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you for your petition and we do understand the concerns of residents in your area.
As there is a natural link to the proposed Hove Park area within the same ward then Chalfont Drive and Ash Close can be included in the upcoming parking scheme consultation and we can reconsider the initial decision at this stage.
However, Hazeldene Meads and The Beeches are in a different Ward (Withdean) and also have links to Withdean Avenue so would be more suited to joining the Preston Park Station scheme. These roads were not included in the original Hove Park Ward consultation and so need to be treated separately.
A parking scheme consultation timetable was agreed at the last ETS Committee meeting in October where it was recognised there is a considerable demand for resident parking scheme consultations in the City.
At this stage we would require stronger representation from the wider area east of Dyke Road Avenue due to concerns about further vehicle displacement in the area and then we can give further consideration to this”.
38.6 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(i) Withdean Road- Councillors Taylor, A Norman and K Norman
38.7 The Committee considered a letter from the Withdean ward councillors requesting that further traffic mirrors be installed along Withdean Road to improve road safety and that a policy framework for the regularisation and installation of traffic mirrors citywide be established.
38.8 The Chair provided the following response:
“In 2016 the law changed to give Highway Authorities the power to erect mirrors on a highway, however, because it is new legislation Local Highway Authorities are expected to develop their own policies and criteria in terms of when and where mirrors can be implemented.
Mirrors can often create more problems than they are trying to solve with issues such as difficulty in estimating distances or speed, and over-reliance on the mirror rather than pedestrians paying attention to their general surroundings.
Therefore, each location will have to be careful considered within a policy framework. Work to develop such a policy will be starting in the New Year and I have asked Officers to keep you updated on its progress as it moves forward and to bear in mind your requests specifically relating to Withdean Road”.
38.9 RESOLVED- That the letter be noted.
(i) Banning of single use plastics
38.10 The Committee considered a Notice of Motion referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 2 November 2017 that requested the Committee consider calling for a report detailing the economic and environmental impact of single use plastics and the potential for a ban on the purchase of single use plastics in all council buildings and agencies.
38.11 Councillor Nemeth noted that he was the seconder to the Motion and it had been unanimously agreed at Full Council. Councillor Nemeth stated that he welcomed a report and he hoped that was the outcome.
38.12 Councillor Littman noted that there had been a second Motion passed at Full Council that had agreed to take the action requested in the Motion before the Committee and he was therefore unsure whether a report was necessary.
38.13 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that the proposal was to bring a report to this and Policy, Resources & Growth (PR&G) Committee setting out the resource and other implications of taking the action requested in both Motions passed at Full Council.
38.14 Councillor Littman stated that he was still uncertain as to why the committee would receive a report setting out consideration of a ban on single use plastics when Full Council had already agreed to phase out their use.
38.15 The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture agreed that the requests of the Motions were clear however, it was necessary to bring a report back setting out any resource and budgetary implications.
38.16 The Chair stated that the Motion requested that the Committee make recommendations to PR&G Committee however, for the purposes of simplification, one report addressing the requests made in both Notices of Motion could be considered by PR&G Committee alone if Members were minded to agree.
38.17 The Committee were in agreement with the suggestion made by the Chair.
38.18 Councillor Peltzer Dunn enquired what was meant by “all BHCC buildings, specifically whether it was those operated on a civic basis by the council or all buildings it owned.
38.19 The Chair confirmed that she understood the Motion to refer to buildings run in a civic capacity.
38.20 Councillor Peltzer Dunn requested that the report on the matter consider imposing restrictions on new lettings.
38.21 RESOLVED- That the Notice of Motion be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Item 38 Petitions, item 38. PDF 192 KB View as HTML (38./1) 35 KB
- Withdean Road ETS 17.11.17, item 38. PDF 85 KB View as HTML (38./2) 17 KB
- Item 42 (b) ConGrp Single use plastics, item 38. PDF 197 KB View as HTML (38./3) 30 KB