Agenda item - Rights of Way Improvement Plan
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Agenda item
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 54.)
- View the background to item 54.
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture
1) That the committee approve wider consultation on the draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan
54.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that requested approval of the draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) for wider consultation.
54.2 Councillor Wares stated that he welcomed the report however; he believed officers should consider managing expectations in relation to the budgets and associated projects listed on pages 48 and 49 of the draft ROWIP as approval of all the proposed projects may be beyond the range of the CityParks budget. Councillor Wares enquired whether the projected cost range needed amending accordingly and making clear that more projects would need additional sources of funding to be realised.
54.3 The Parks & Green Spaces Operations officer confirmed that Councillor Wares was correct in that not all projects could be achieved at the higher range of cost. However, over the previous ten years, the council had been very successful in attracting outside funding to deliver improvements.
54.4 Councillor West stated that he strongly believed the administration should put more financial commitment into downland estate access as the benefits to health and wellbeing and to the visitor economy could not be understated. Councillor West stated that any spending figures in the draft ROWIP needed to be taken seriously and met. Councillor West commended officers for the quality of the report, the Local Access Forum for being a key partner for the past ten years and tenant farmers who had been very accepting of new rights of way. Councillor West expressed his hope that that the consultation would facilitate wider discussion about the access and benefits of the downland estate. Councillor West expressed his concern that there appeared a lack of ambition on methods to engage with the public.
54.5 The Chair answered that there would be widespread consultation and promotion.
54.6 Councillor Littman concurred with the statements made by Councillors Wares and West that the draft ROWIP needed to be clearer about what was achievable in terms of resource so as not to be an obstacle to the consultation.
54.7 The Chair confirmed that the draft ROWIP could be altered to reflect those comments before it went out to consultation.
1) That the committee approve wider consultation on the draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
Supporting documents:
Rights of Way Improvement Plan_v3, item 54.
PDF 305 KB View as HTML (54./1) 28 KB
ROWIP Draft 3, item 54.
ROWIP appendix, item 54.