Agenda item - Oxford Court Public Space Protection Order
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Agenda item
Oxford Court Public Space Protection Order
- Meeting of Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee, Monday, 27th November, 2017 4.00pm (Item 42.)
- View the background to item 42.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing copy attached)
42.1 RESOLVED: That the Committee approved a statutory public consultation on the draft Oxford Court Public Space Protection Order.
42.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing which set out concerns around the criminal and anti-social behaviour taking place in and around the alleyway linking Oxford Street with the Oxford Court Carpark. The Committee were asked to consider the value of a Public Space Protection order authorising a gating scheme closing the alley to general access as a remedy to those concerns. The report was introduced by the Environment Improvement Officer.
42.2 Councillor West said that the alleyway provided no useful service for access, and contributed to anti-social behaviour in the area. He said he would support the consultation, and if it were later agreed to install gates he would commit part of his ward budget to assist with the funding.
42.3 RESOLVED: That the Committee approved a statutory public consultation on the draft Oxford Court Public Space Protection Order.
Supporting documents:
Oxford street PSPO consultation_commitee report, item 42.
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Oxford Court Public Space Protection Order 2018 DRAFT, item 42.
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