Agenda item - Minutes
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Agenda item
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2017 (copy attached).
39.1 Councillor Druitt noted that 32.6 stated that the Green Group amendment was received late; however, it was on time and sent at 1000 hours on 16 November 2017.
39.2 Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that 34.5 should have specifically stated that he was discussing the Sackville Hotel site.
39.3 Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the second sentence of 32.4 should read: “Whilst it was recognised that negotiations took place with organisers and that each application was considered on its individual merits, he considered that there was a need for a clearer charging policy.”
39.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the last sentence of 32.4 should read: “In his own ward damage had occurred following events held on Brunswick Lawns and whilst it was accepted that recompense was taken for any damage caused to he considered that there was an opportunity revisit this.”
39.5 RESOLVED – That, with the above changes, the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2017 as a correct record.
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