Agenda item - BH2016/05672 - St Christopher School Sports Ground Glebe Villas, Hove- Removal or Variation of Condition
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Agenda item
BH2016/05672 - St Christopher School Sports Ground Glebe Villas, Hove- Removal or Variation of Condition
Variation of condition 3 of application BH2012/00248 (Removal of existing pavilion and erection of new single storey outbuilding incorporating teaching and changing facilities) to extend hours of use.
Ward Affected: Wish
Variation of condition 3 of application BH2012/00248 (Removal of existing pavilion and erection of new single storey outbuilding incorporating teaching and changing facilities) to extend hours of use.
Officer Presentation
(1) The Principal Planning Officer, Colm McKee, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans photographs and elevational drawings. It was explained that the current application related to a pavilion (granted under BH2012/00248),located in the north west corner of the school playing fields which was used by the school as a changing and teaching facility. Permission was being sought to change the hours of use of the pavilion to 08:00 to 21:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00 to 19:00 on Saturday. The use on Saturdays was proposed for a maximum of 10 days throughout the year and would include use of the changing rooms and kitchen facilities.
(2) The main considerations in determining the application related to whether the proposed variation of condition was appropriate in terms of any potential impact on the amenity of adjacent residential properties and transport issues. The Highway Authority had no objection to the increase in hours of opening times as it was considered that this was unlikely to have significant impact on the surrounding highway network. Use of the pavilion between 8am-9pm during weekdays was considered appropriate as it would allow for more flexible use for open evenings, for example, and it was proposed that use of the outside enclosed areas attached to it should be limited to between 8am-6pm to prevent noise impact to adjacent residential properties. Use of the pavilion on Saturdays provided that it was limited for changing and kitchen facilities only was considered appropriate and approval of the application subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report was therefore recommended.
Debate and Decision Making Process
(3) The Committee moved directly to the vote. A vote was taken and the 9 Members present when the vote was taken voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.
86.5 RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out below and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report and subject to deletion of the last line and amendment of the description to read:
Variation of condition 3 of application BH2012/00248 (Removal of existing pavilion and erection of new single storey outbuilding incorporating teaching and changing facilities) to extend hours of use.
Note: Councillors Bennett, Hill and Littman were not present at the meeting when the vote was taken.
Supporting documents:
- Application E, BH2016-05672 - Header - St Christopher Sch Sports Grnd Glebe Villas Hove, item 86E PDF 41 KB View as HTML (86E/1) 25 KB
- Application E,BH2016-05672 St Christopher Sports Grnd Glebe Villas, Plan, item 86E PDF 178 KB
- Application E, BH2016-05672 St Christopher School Sports Ground, Report, item 86E PDF 78 KB
- Application E, BH2016-05672 - St Christopher Sch Sports Grnd Hove - Cnclr Nemeth letter, item 86E PDF 130 KB View as HTML (86E/4) 80 KB