Agenda item - BH2017/00306 -Store Rear of 51 Sackville Road (Brooker Place), Hove - Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2017/00306 -Store Rear of 51 Sackville Road (Brooker Place), Hove - Full Planning
Demolition of existing store and garage (B8) and erection of new store/garage (B8).
Ward Affected: Central Hove
Demolition of existing store and garage (B8) and erection of new store/garage (B8).
Officer Presentation
(1) The Principal Planning Officer, Colm Mc Kee, gave a presentation by reference to plans, elevational drawings and photographs outlining the scheme. It was noted that the main considerations in determining the application related to the principle of the proposed development, the proposed design and its impact on the conservation area in which the site lay. Also, the impact on residential amenity for neighbouring properties and to any traffic implications which would result.
(2) Notwithstanding the small increase in floor space it was considered that the proposed development was unlikely to generate any significant additional noise over and above that generated by the previous structure of the same use. Whilst the proposed replacement garage would have a larger depth than the existing, in view of its location at the end of the rear garden, set beside other commercial garages and away from the residential flats on Sackville Gardens, it was considered that there would not be any significant impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties, nor that there would be significant additional highways and transport implications in this instance. The proposal would result in the loss of one tree within the rear garden of the site. This tree had little amenity value and its removal was considered acceptable in this instance and it was therefore recommended that planning permission be granted.
Debate and Decision Making Process
(3) The Committee moved directly to the vote. A vote was taken and the 9 Members present at the meeting when the vote was taken voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.
86.7 RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informative also set out in the report.
Note: Councillors Bennett, Hill and Littman were not present at the meeting when the vote was taken.
Supporting documents:
- Application G,BH2017-00306 - Header - Store Rear Of 51 Sackville Road Hove, item 86G PDF 41 KB View as HTML (86G/1) 25 KB
- Application G, BH2017-00306 Store Rear Of 51 Sackville Rd Hove, Plan, item 86G PDF 209 KB
- Applicatrion G, BH2017-00306 - Store Rear of 51 Sackville Road Hove, Report, item 86G PDF 44 KB