Agenda item - Items referred from Council
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Agenda item
Items referred from Council
Item referred from the last meeting of Full Council held on 14 December 2017
(a) Petitions:
(i) Pedestrian Crossing on the junction of Colebrook Road and Tongdean Lane
(ii) Pedestrian Crossing at Weald Avenue on the Old Shoreham Road
(b) Deputations:
(i) Hove Park Tennis Courts
(i) Pedestrian Crossing on the junction of Colebrook Road and Tongdean Lane
49.1 The Committee considered a petition referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 14 December 2017 and signed by 214 people requesting a pedestrian crossing on the junction of Colebrook Road and Tongdean Lane.
49.2 The Chair provided the following response:
“As part of the Councils Pedestrian Crossing Request Policy all requests undergo an assessment to assist in prioritising limited funding to those locations most in need. This assessment considers a number of categories known to affect people’s ability to cross the public highway; such as road width, number of vehicles and pedestrians using the road. The assessment also considers any previous related accidents and if the requested crossing point could improve access to services such as buses and GP surgeries.
Sites are usually assessed in batches, once annually; the results of the assessment are then presented to the appropriate Environment Transport & Sustainability Committee.
As part of this process there have been a number of pedestrian crossings identified and installed across the city. As a result of requests from residents the Transport Projects team has recently carried out assessments on 3 separate locations on Tongdean Lane; near Eldred Avenue, Withdean Road, and by the railway bridge. The results of these assessments are currently being evaluated.
Officers now have your request and will be happy to include a site assessment on Tongdean Lane near Colebrook Road in the next assessment phase so that it might be considered for a crossing point using the approved methodology for assessing Pedestrian crossing points”.
49.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(ii) Pedestrian Crossing at Weald Avenue on the Old Shoreham Road
49.4 The Committee considered a petition referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 14 December 2017 and signed by 439 people requesting a pedestrian crossing point on Old Shoreham Road in the vicinity of the Weald Avenue/Lullington Avenue junction.
49.5 The Chair provided the following response:
“This area of Old Shoreham Road also falls within the Access Fund project boundary and as a result the School Travel Team is working with a number of schools in the area to help better understand the journey to school by looking at the barriers faced with the journeys to school and to promote road safety and active travel. The team are actively engaged with schools including; Blatchington Mill Secondary School, Hove Park Lower Secondary School, Aldrington Primary School, West Hove Infant School and Hove Junior School. Work to assist and promote safe and active travel is also being carried out with four nurseries in this area, either side of Old Shoreham Road.
In accordance with the Council’s Policy on Pedestrian Crossings, officers will include this request on the list for formal assessment using the Pedestrian Crossing Assessment Methodology. As part of this methodology all crossing requests undergo an assessment to assist in prioritising limited funding to those locations most in need. This assessment considers a number of categories known to affect ones’ ability to cross the public highway; such as road width, number of vehicles and pedestrians using the road. The assessment also considers any previous related accidents and if the requested crossing point could improve access to services such as buses and GP surgeries or if it might improve the safety on walking routes to schools.
Initial investigations were carried out at this location as part of the Safer Routes to Schools programme, as part of these investigations officers noted issues with limited space available for a crossing facility particularly due to access requirements for private driveways. These investigations however identified potential opportunities to
install a light controlled crossing facility at the signals on Old Shoreham Road and St Joseph’s Close junction.
Work is being undertaken to fully understand the potential costs and the available budgets for this”.
49.6 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(i) Hove Park Tennis Courts
49.7 The Committee considered a deputation referred from the Full Council meeting of 14 December 2017 requesting clarification on the decision to install a 3G astro turf pitch at Hove Park and requesting that a new multi-sports surface be laid instead so that tennis users could share the facility with football groups.
49.8 The Chair provided the following response:
“It has been known for some length of time that the current artificial grassed area has fallen into serious disrepair and, on occasions, has been unavailable for use.
Senior officers have held discussions with the users of the area, with the Ward Councillors and with myself, following which the decision was taken to procure a new 3G surface utilising developer contributions money specifically available for that purpose. That money gets spent on a 3G pitch or it would get spent out of the Hove Park area.
The Council's Playing Pitch Strategy has identified the need for high quality 3G football pitches in the city and the fact that hundreds of children play on this popular pitch, already just restricted to the winter months, means that we know that the demand is there for an all-weather pitch of the type that is being proposed. With its seven all-weather tennis courts, Hove Park will continue to provide very good facilities for tennis.
If, in the future, there is the opportunity to provide a soft surface for tennis as part of this provision then that can be explored”.
49.9 Councillor Littman stated that it would be beneficial for Members to receive a definitive criteria of what Section 106 money could and couldn’t be used for.
49.10 The Legal Officer confirmed that clarification could be provided subsequent to the meeting in the form of a briefing note.
49.11 RESOLVED- That the deputation be noted.
Supporting documents:
Item 49a Petitions FC, item 49.
PDF 284 KB View as HTML (49./1) 34 KB
Item 49c Deputations, item 49.
PDF 107 KB View as HTML (49./2) 28 KB