Agenda item - Outdoor Events - Madeira Drive Closures 2018
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Agenda item
Outdoor Events - Madeira Drive Closures 2018
- Meeting of Tourism, Development & Culture Committee, Thursday, 16th November, 2017 4.00pm (Item 32.)
32.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture seeking approval for landlord’s consent of the proposed programme of events on Madeira Drive in 2018 and the associated road closures.
32.2 The Chair, Councillor Robins, noted that the following amendments had been put forward by the Green Group, proposed by Councillor Druitt and seconded by Councillor Mac Cafferty as set out below:
“To amend the recommendation 2.2 and insert new recommendations 2.3 and 2.4 as shown below in bold italics;
2.2 That the committee authorises officers to enter into formal
agreements with event organisers on the
current event schedule to
determine conditions, fees and levels of support as
appropriate in accordance with the
terms of the council’s existing Outdoor Events
2.3 That the committee requests officers to report back on formal
agreements on a bi-annual basis, including:
- compliance with the outdoor events policy and
other BHCC corporate commitments as they affect:
- communities such as licensing and environmental health;
- quality and nature of any feedback received from
the public
- details on fees and charges levied in each circumstance and the rationale for them (in Part 2 papers if necessary for reasons of commercial sensitivity);
2.4 That a report be
brought to a future committee outlining options for a review and
update of the Council’s Outdoor Events Policy, to
(a) More robust
sustainability criteria:
- investigating the
possibility of requiring event organisers and vendors to avoid
Single Use Plastics as a condition of their event
- strengthening the
existing Sustainable Event Commitment Form and guidance circulated
to exhibitors and traders;
(b) A requirement for
more detailed information on:
- how events comply with equality legislation, such as the impact on disabled access to surrounding public rights of way;
- how events comply with agreed corporate sustainable transport commitments;
(c) The development of a new charging schedule to
provide consistency and transparency, which explores options
· charges based on commercial event income;
· charges based on attendance figures;
· more clarity on the categorisation of events e.g. the criteria for being assessed as commercial, charity or community event;
· the introduction of a standalone Environmental Impact Charge, with ring-fencing being used to: provide physical mitigation to open spaces directly affected by events;
· a proportion of event fee being used to support immediate priorities for funding identified by the Open Spaces strategy and community & parks associations (e.g. ‘Friends Of’ Parks and Open spaces associations;
· Additional fees levied to support animal welfare provision and inspections where animals are part of events.
2.5 That the committee
authorises the Executive Director Economy, Environment &
Culture, after consultation with the Chair of the committee and
opposition spokespersons, to make any alterations to the events
programme as necessary and to approve new applications in
accordance with the Outdoor Events Policy.
32.3 Councillor Druitt stated that whilst recognising that the amendments were “meaty” he considered that if agreed, they would address the concerns of residents and ensure that a consistent approach was applied which was fair to all.
32.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty acknowledged the work undertaken by officers but considered that the proposed amendments would ensure that there was greater clarity. Whilst it was recognised that negotiations took place with organisers and that each application was considered on its individual merits, he considered that there was a clearer charging policy. Similar types of event did not always appear to be paying similar fees. He also considered that a robust approach was needed to ensure that where an event impacted on a local community a bolder charging strategy was invoked. In his own ward damage had occurred following events held on Brunswick Lawns and whilst it was accepted that recompense was taken for any damage caused to considered that there was an opportunity revisit this.
32.5 The Chair, Councillor Robins, stated that whilst the points made could be taken on board as part of any new events strategy, as he understood it, it was too late to effect any changes for 2018. He considered that bi-annual reports in future (dependent on the resourcing implications) and arrangements in respect of use of cans and single use plastic bottles warranted further investigation.
32.6 Councillor Cattell and Allen were of the view that as the proposed amendments had been submitted late, members had, not had the opportunity to consider the full implications of the proposals. Notwithstanding that, both considered that the amendment(s) contained valid points which were worthy of consideration when dealing with applications going forward. They were of the view that it would be appropriate for Councillor Druitt to withdraw the proposed amendments.
32.7 Councillor Morris considered that the proposed amendments required re-drafting and that he could not therefore support them as currently worded. He remained firmly of the view that events should be looked at on an individual basis.
32.8 The Head of Sport and Leisure, Ian Shurrock explained that a workshop session had been arranged for Members to be held in the new year the explain the rationale for the existing arrangements. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture explained that it was intended that the existing strategy would be reviewed, this was referred to in the directorate structure plan, this was currently at an early stage and the consultation process had yet to begin. The Events Manager, Ian Taylor stated that most of the points set out in the amendment(s) were already extant or could easily be put into operation.
32.9 Councillors Mears and Nemeth stated that as the proposed amendment was seeking to “consider” arrangements and to “investigate” other issues they felt able to support it as it did not specify what had to be put into place in respect of any given event.
32.10 Councillor Druitt stated that he was not minded to withdraw his amendment(s) as they represented an appropriate way forward. Councillor Mac Cafferty agreed, stating that that notwithstanding the reassurances given, it would be appropriate to vote on the proposed amendment(s), rather than for them to be withdrawn or deferred.
32.11 The Chair, noting all that had been said moved to the vote and the proposed amendments were lost on the Chair’s casting vote. A further vote was then taken on the substantive recommendations as set out in the report.
32.12 RESOLVED – (1) That the committee grants landlord’s consent for the 2018 programme of events on Madeira Drive and the associated road closures as listed in Appendix 1;
(2)That the committee authorises officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate; and
(3) That the committee authorises the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture, after consultation with the Chair of the committee and opposition spokespersons, to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications in accordance with the Outdoor Events Policy.