Agenda item - Animal Welfare Facility
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Agenda item
Animal Welfare Facility
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 88.)
- View the background to item 88.
Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods. Communities & Housing
1) That the Committee approves a proposal to build and run a new in-house animal welfare facility at Hangleton Bottom to enable the Council to discharge its responsibilities in relation to stray dogs more effectively while also providing the opportunity to generate income on a costs neutral basis for discretionary kennelling and cattery services, this in the way outlined in paras 4.2 and 4.3 below.
2) That the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary to implement the proposals.
88.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing that requested approval to build and run a new in-house Animal Welfare Facility at Hangelton Bottom.
88.2 Councillor Bell stated that there had been a number of schemes submitted to committee for approval where there was a lack of foresight, planning, understanding and joined up thinking and he had been vocally stating as such as a member of the Housing & New Homes (H&NH) Committee. Councillor Bell felt this posed risk to the effective use of public funds and needed urgent solution and assurances it would not be repeated.
88.3 Councillor Yates stated that the motion proposed for the Stanmer Park restoration and CityParks relocation was a good solution. Councillor Yates stated that the proposals would lead to job creation in city which was something to be proud of in the current economic climate.
1) That the Committee approves a proposal to build and run a new in-house animal welfare facility at Hangleton Bottom to enable the Council to discharge its responsibilities in relation to stray dogs more effectively while also providing the opportunity to generate income on a costs neutral basis for discretionary kennelling and cattery services, this in the way outlined in paras 4.2 and 4.3 below.
2) That the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary to implement the proposals.
Supporting documents:
Local Authority kennels, item 88.
PDF 246 KB View as HTML (88./1) 33 KB
Local Authority kennels APX. n 1, item 88.
PDF 427 KB
Local Authority kennels APX. n 2, item 88.
PDF 640 KB
Local Authority kennels APX. n 3, item 88.
PDF 282 KB
Local Authority kennels APX. n 4, item 88.
PDF 547 KB
Local Authority kennels APX. n 5, item 88.
PDF 934 KB