Agenda item - Admission of New Member to the Board

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Agenda item

Admission of New Member to the Board

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


1)            That the Board approves that Crawley Borough Council joins the GBEJC and that Gatwick Airport Ltd joins the GBBP.


2)            That the Board agree to amend the Board’s Heads of Terms at Appendix 1.


23.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that requested approval for Crawley Borough Council to join the Greater Brighton Economic Joint Committee (GBEJC) following formal ratification from the Board’s member organisations.


23.2      RESOLVED-


1)            That the Board approves that Crawley Borough Council joins the GBEJC and that Gatwick Airport Ltd joins the GBBP.


2)            That the Board agree to amend the Board’s Heads of Terms at Appendix 1.

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