Agenda item - Housing Electrical Works

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Agenda item

Housing Electrical Works

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing


1)            That Audit & Standards Committee note the contents of the report.


2)            That officers are requested to bring a report to the next meeting providing further detail and information on the matter



40.1    The Executive Director, Finance and Resources introduced the report. Internal audit had identified issues with housing electrical works, and had requested further work to ensure that there were no health and safety or charging issues.


40.2    Councillor Simson stated that she was concerned about the potential issues around housing electrical works and asked why the report was so late to the meeting.


40.3    The Executive Director, Finance and Resources responded that the investigation had been a complex task and the contract was subject to differences in interpretation between the council and Mears.


40.4    In response to Ms Bushell, the Executive Director, Finance & Resources stated that in hindsight the contract could have been drawn up differently to avoid ambiguities. However this was difficult as it was a large contract with a wide scope.


40.5    The Chair stated that it was disappointing that no housing officers had attended to present the report to the committee and that after 18 months of investigation there seemed to be little progress. He stated that it would be in the public interest to have a further report outlining steps to resolve the matter brought by officers from both the housing and internal audit teams. Serious consideration ought to be given to sourcing an independent report.


40.6    Councillor Cobb proposed the following amendment:


“To add the new recommendation as shown in bold italics:


2) That officers are requested to bring a report to the next meeting   providing further detail and information on the matter.”


40.7    Councillor Sykes seconded the amendment.


40.8    The amendment and the amended recommendations were agreed unanimously by the committee.


40.9    Resolved:


1)            That Audit & Standards Committee note the contents of the report.


2)            That officers were requested to bring a report to the next meeting providing further detail and information on the matter


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