Agenda item - Better Care Plan

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Agenda item

Better Care Plan




1)    That the Board note the progress and updates reported from the Better Care Fund Steering Group


2)    That the Board review the draft BCF Dashboard metrics for discussion and assurance of the Better Care Plan.


59.1    The report was introduced by The Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care and Mr C Clark (Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group). The report provided an update on the Better Care Plan for Brighton and Hove.


59.2    The Board were advised that there had been a change to the financial issues (paragraph 3.3 of the report), which should now read:


The Better Care fund is a section 75 pooled budget which totals £25.350m for 2017/18, including £5.093m Improved Better Care funding (iBCF). The CCG contributes £18.276m to the pooled budget and the Council contributes £7.074m including the iBCF. Any spend variance at outturn is subject to a 50:50 risk share as per the section 75 agreement. We are in the process of setting the 2018/19 budget however there are timing issues due to the differing budget timetables between the Council and the CCG. The financial performance of the Better Care fund is regularly reported to the joint Health & Adult Social Care Finance and Performance Board.


59.3    Councillor Penn referred to the stats, and asked they related just to those who were resident in the city. Mr Clark confirmed it was anyone who was currently registered with a GP in the city.


59.4    Councillor Taylor referred to the graph showing the ‘Delayed Transfer of Care – Total Delayed Bed Days’, and noted that there had been a substantial increase during 2016/17 and asked if there was confidence that there wouldn’t be any further unexpected demands in the future. Mr Clark said he was optimistic that steps had been taken to address transfer of care, and the expectation was that the numbers would fall.


59.5    Resolved:


1)    That the Board note the progress and updates reported from the Better Care Fund Steering Group


2)    That the Board review the draft BCF Dashboard metrics for discussion and assurance of the Better Care Plan.

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