Agenda item - Moving Towards Integration
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Agenda item
Moving Towards Integration
- Meeting of Health & Wellbeing Board, Tuesday, 6th March, 2018 4.00pm (Item 58.)
- View the background to item 58.
That the Health & Wellbeing Board:
· Agrees the approach set out in paragraph 2.3 - 2.6 of the report to refresh the Health and Wellbeing Strategy using the JSNA to determine priorities
· Agrees the JSNA Forward Plan from April 2018 to March 2020, as set out in paragraph 2.7 – 2.10 of the report
· Supports the approach to developing a joint commissioning programme in the shadow year of integration including budget management and governance processes as set out in paragraph 2.11 - 2.21 of the report
· Notes the timelines to support the integration of health and social care as outlined in Appendix 1
· Agrees that the HWB establishes a pilot policy panel
· Agrees that using the prioritisation and scoping document, the pilot should focus on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the city
· Agrees that the pilot panel should report the outcomes of the work to the HWB by September 2018
· Agrees that the pilot panel should also report back on the resources required to support a panel to enable a decision to be making on any future panels and the forward plan for such work
58.1 The report was introduced by The Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care and Mr C Clark (Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group). The report outlined the work being undertaken to establish a golden thread for the vision for health and wellbeing in the city, proposing the process to prioritise objectives and set out how the shadow year of working arrangements between the Council and Clinical Commissioning Group would support improved integrated health and social care delivery. The report further confirmed the piloting of a policy panel with a proposal to focus on and refresh the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.
58.2 The Chair noted that there were a number of errors in the proposed recommendations. Point 1 should read paragraphs 2.3 - 2.6, point 2 should read paragraphs 2.7 - 2.10, and point 3 should read paragraphs 2.11 – 2.21.
58.3 The Chair said that during the shadow year it was important to try something which was going to be as successful, and to ensure that all parties understood the processes. It would be challenging to bring two large organisations together and needed everyone to work together.
58.4 Mr Dennett (CCG) said the CCG had commissioned a broader governance review for the purposes of the alliance of the CCG, and that that review picked up best practice elsewhere in the country of working with local authorities, and that should assist the dialogue on best practice in the future.
58.5 Councillor Page said that closer working would avoid duplication and hopefully provide a better service, but he was concerned that the integration was being done on the instruction of the government with the financial restrictions which came with it, and it was important to ensure that the needs of patients were still being met. He noted that there was no information of the costs of officer time for those involved in the reorganisation, and hoped that that would be taken into account. The CCG had recently cut funding to the low vision clinic, but some funding was subsequently provided by the local authority. There did not appear to be any working together in this case with a relatively small budget, so he hoped such problems would not occur in future. With regard to the Policy Panel he hoped that it would be open and inclusive to everyone.
58.6 Councillor Taylor said that the Conservative Group supported the integration, which made sense and would achieve better outcomes for the city.
58.7 The Chair referred to the panel, and proposed that all members of the Board be contacted to ask if they would be interested on sitting on it. He added that the panel would not be restricted to members of the Board.
58.8 Resolved:
That the Health & Wellbeing Board:
· Agreed the approach set out in paragraph 2.3 - 2.6 of the report to refresh the Health and Wellbeing Strategy using the JSNA to determine priorities
· Agreed the JSNA Forward Plan from April 2018 to March 2020, as set out in paragraph 2.7 – 2.10 of the report
· Supported the approach to developing a joint commissioning programme in the shadow year of integration including budget management and governance processes as set out in paragraph 2.11 - 2.21 of the report
· Noted the timelines to support the integration of health and social care as outlined in Appendix 1
· Agreed that the HWB establishes a pilot policy panel
· Agreed that using the prioritisation and scoping document, the pilot should focus on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the city
· Agreed that the pilot panel should report the outcomes of the work to the HWB by September 2018
· Agreed that the pilot panel should also report back on the resources required to support a panel to enable a decision to be making on any future panels and the forward plan for such work
Supporting documents:
- Moving Towards Integration, item 58. PDF 211 KB View as HTML (58./1) 167 KB
- Appendix 1 - Timetable, item 58. PDF 202 KB View as HTML (58./2) 33 KB
- Appendix 2a - Proposal for in depth needs assessments and outcome of prioritisation process, item 58. PDF 244 KB View as HTML (58./3) 16 KB
- Draft ToR for Policy Panels, item 58. PDF 232 KB View as HTML (58./4) 20 KB
- Scoping proforma1 bdh 1 (4), item 58. PDF 226 KB View as HTML (58./5) 146 KB