Agenda item - Night Shelter Proposal
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Agenda item
Night Shelter Proposal
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 25th January, 2018 4.00pm (Item 82a)
- View the background to item 82a
Report of the Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care
That the committee:
(1) Notes that the 30 November meeting of this committee agreed to the use of the syndicate wing of the Brighton Centre to provide a night shelter and considered the associated service model and risk assessments
(2) Agrees to the Syndicate Wing of the Brighton Centre continuing to be used as a night shelter for a further period until the morning of Monday 26th of February and then from Saturday 3rd March until the morning of Sunday 11th March 2018, as recommended by the cross-party working group
(3) Authorises the Executive Directors for Adult Social Care & Health, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Economy, Environment & Cultures to take all steps necessary of incidental to the further use of the Brighton Centre as a night shelter for the extended period outlined in 2.1 (3) above.
(4) Notes that an evaluation report will be submitted to this committee in summer 2018 on the utilisation of the night shelter and impact of its availability.
82a.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health & Adult Social Care that requested approval for an extension to the dates of operation of the Brighton Centre as a night shelter to increase the city’s capacity to reduce rough sleeping
82a.2 Councillor Gibson asked if the evaluation report would include feedback from the voluntary sector.
82a.3 The Head of Commissioning confirmed that would be the case.
82a.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed that not only that the night shelter had been a success but also the Brighton Centre had confirmed that there had been no detrimental impact upon its commercial operations during the period concerned. Councillor Mac Cafferty asked if there was sufficient time for those using the night shelter to be found alternative options once the Brighton Centre would no longer be used and if there would be a consultation with homeless organisations from across the city about the impact on demand in relation to the operation of the Brighton Centre.
82a.5 The Head of Commissioning stated that there would be a meeting of the cross-party working group the following week that would discuss the detail of the planned exit from the Brighton Centre and discussion of linking those using the shelter to the various organisations commissioned by the Council would be held. The evaluation report would detail the various positives and negatives of opening the night shelter, including the impact upon other services.
82a.6 Councillor Yates asked if the evaluation report would also identify options for future provision of a night shelter including a financial case.
82a.7 The Executive Director, Finance & Resources confirmed that there would be provision set aside in the 2018/19 budget proposal.
82a.8 RESOLVED- That the committee:
1) Notes that the 30 November meeting of this committee agreed to the use of the syndicate wing of the Brighton Centre to provide a night shelter and considered the associated service model and risk assessments
2) Agrees to the Syndicate Wing of the Brighton Centre continuing to be used as a night shelter for a further period until the morning of Monday 26th of February and then from Saturday 3rd March until the morning of Sunday 11th March 2018, as recommended by the cross-party working group
3) Authorises the Executive Directors for Adult Social Care & Health, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing and Economy, Environment & Cultures to take all steps necessary of incidental to the further use of the Brighton Centre as a night shelter for the extended period outlined in 2.1 (3) above.
4) Notes that an evaluation report will be submitted to this committee in summer 2018 on the utilisation of the night shelter and impact of its availability.
Supporting documents:
January 2018 Night Shelter Report Final, item 82a
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1- 20171129093153_014607_0053222_201711281731420145950053201PRGReportNightshelterv1november2017, item 82a
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2- 20171129093153_014608_0053223_NightShelterBrightonCentreServiceModelAppendix1Final, item 82a
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3- 20171129093153- 014609_0053224_BtonCentreSyndicateWingTempShelterFireRiskAssessmentDraftAppendix2, item 82a
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4- 20171129093154_014610_0053225_NightshelterRiskAssessmentV2281117Appendix2, item 82a
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