Agenda item - Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio - Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case
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Agenda item
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio - Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case
Extract from the proceedings of the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee meeting held on the 22nd January, 2018 (copy to follow); together with a report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).
71.1 Councillor West stated that he had asked for the report to be referred to the Council to ensure that all Members were aware of the proposals and identifiable risks to delivery. He was concerned that there were risks associated with IT and public expectations which meant that it was a flawed scheme. The risks listed in the risk log had not been fully addressed or mitigated against and no risk assessment in relation to the use of tablet devices. He did not believe that the filed officer role had been fully explained and noted that the trade unions had reservations.
71.2 Councillor A. Norman stated that she supported the idea of field officers and noted that all Members had lists of issues that occurred in their neighbourhoods along with concerns of residents which could be dealt with by the field officers. The report had been discussed fully at committee and she felt that the scheme needed to be supported and trailed.
71.3 Councillor Daniel noted the comments and stated that she disagreed with Councillor West and welcomed the cross-party support for the filed officers. She believed it would provide a service for local communities and enable matters to be addressed and support Members with issues that were raised in their wards. The new service would be operating seven days a week and she hoped would build community relations across the city. She therefore commended the report to the council.
71.4 The Mayor noted that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that it be noted.
71.5 RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio – Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case, item 71.
PDF 333 KB View as HTML (71./1) 81 KB
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio – Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case APX. n 2, item 71.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (71./2) 112 KB
Neighbourhoods and Communities Portfolio – Proposed Field Officer Role Business Case APX. n 3, item 71.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (71./3) 661 KB
Item 71 Extract From NICE to Full Council - Field Officer Report, item 71.
PDF 219 KB View as HTML (71./4) 35 KB