Agenda item - Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Public Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public.


(b)          Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 15 June 2018;


(i)            Housing Need


(c)          Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 15 June 2018.


(i)            Article 4 Direction for East Brighton Area


(b)      Written Questions


5.1      Jim Dean put the following question:


“The City Plan Part 1 has a minimum target of 13,200 new homes to be provided by 2030.  This compares with ‘objectively assessed housing need’ of 30,120, leaving a shortfall of nearly 17,000 homes. There is a sharp increase in rough sleepers, people living in vans, caravans, boats and tents - all the hostels are full. It is now time for a new strategy to deal with this crisis and an emergency plan put into place to support those working 7 days a week to support the most vulnerable? Does the Chair agree that a crisis meeting be called immediately?”


5.3      The Chair provided the following response:


“The adopted City Plan Part One sets a housing delivery target of at least 13,200 new homes by 2030. This compares with the city’s objectively assessed housing need/demand of 30,120 (as established June 2015). It should be noted that the objectively assessed housing need/demand figure is largely based on projected household growth for the city up to 2030 and is not directly comparable to the city’s need for affordable housing or for specialist / supported forms of accommodation.

During the City Plan Part One formal examination the Planning Inspector accepted that the city simply does not have sufficient space to accommodate the 30,120 objectively assessed housing need/demand figure but recommended that the council look positively for all opportunities to meet and, if possible, exceed the 13,200 figure. The council strongly supports housing delivery in the city of all forms. The second part of the City Plan (City Plan Part Two) will set out additional planning policies which will help to deliver more housing both for general housing needs and for specialist and supported housing needs. Consultation on the draft City Plan Part Two is planned for this summer (pending this Committee’s support today) and I would urge you to respond.

The challenge of meeting the city’s need for more affordable housing is also being addressed through a range of initiatives that go beyond planning policy.  Examples include the council’s £118m Joint Venture which will deliver 500 homes for rent for working Brighton & Hove residents on low incomes, and 500 shared ownership homes affordable to buy for Brighton & Hove residents on average incomes.  The council’s New Homes for Neighbourhood programme is delivering council owned rented accommodation on council sites and the Hidden Homes initiative converting unused space in existing blocks to create additional affordable rented housing.

We hugely value the contribution of those working with the homeless and vulnerable in the city, as organisations and individuals are very passionate about the needs of those in housing crisis or housing need.  Many of these organisations and individuals contributed to the Rough Sleeper Strategy, and delivery against this is being carried forward through the Rough Sleeper Strategy Board, which meets quarterly. Work with organisations and the community is also happening as part of the regular meetings and activities of Galvanise. Work is also happening through the Community Action Group for Homelessness, which meets regularly including earlier today, and which includes over 20 representatives from community action groups and homelessness service providers. So there is urgency about homelessness locally and as I have just explained there are a number of forums where we are working together collaboratively and we are having a beneficial impact for those suffering from homelessness. I have ensured that Cllr Moonan is aware of the question you have put today.” 


5.4      Mr Deans did not have a supplementary question but asked if his question could be repeated at the next Full Council Meeting.


5.5      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture advised that  as the Council’s Constitution did not allow the same question to be asked so it would not be possible to resubmit the same question.


(c)      Deputations


(i)           Article 4 Direction for East Brighton Area

5.6       The Chair stated that he would take both the deputation on HMOs and the Letter received from the East Brighton Councillors – Item 7c in the agenda together due to the similarity in subject matter.


5.7       The Committee considered a deputation requesting East Brighton be given an Article 4 Direction.


(i)            Article 4 Direction for East Brighton- Councillors Mitchell, Morgan & Platts

5.8       Councillor Mitchell presented the Letter request an Article Four Direction for East Brighton to be implemented as a matter of urgency..


5.9       The Chair provided the following response:


“I recognise and note the concerns of residents relating to changes of use to HMOs in East Brighton.

In order to justify an extension to the existing Direction, considerable evidence gathering needs to be carried out to demonstrate that ongoing use of the existing permitted development rights would cause potential harm to the area. A report is being considered at this Committee today with recommendations to support such an evidence gathering exercise to assess the impact of HMOs in areas of the city outside the existing Article 4 Direction area. A report would then be brought back to this Committee by the end of the year for discussion and decision”


5.10    RESOLVED: That the Committee note deputation and Letter.

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