Agenda item - Round Robin

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Agenda item

Round Robin

Residents are invited to share their views on “What is one thing that you would like to see that would improve your area?”


38.1    Residents were invited to share their views on ‘what is one thing in your area you would like to see improve’:


·           The area cleared of rubbish and bushes and weeds cut and cleared especially where this was creating a health and safety risk.

·           Investment in infrastructure to make the area move liveable rather than just small cosmetic improvements. There was a need for a more strategic long-term approach to estate management.

·           More robust enforcement action on fly tipping

·           More action enforcement action against private households to ensure that properties are maintained and waste properly disposed of.

·           Enforcement action against illegally parked vehicles.


38.2    Officers responded to the issues raised:


·           The Private Sector Housing Team would take action against landlords of Houses in Multiple Occupation where waste was not being properly disposed of. The landlord would have been issued with a license by the council to operate the property and this would include conditions concerning rubbish.


·           Where trees or bushes where on private land the council could not take immediate action to cut them back. The council first had to contact the individual responsible for the land and instruct them to rectify the issue before enforcement action could take place. There was a variable timetable for how long this process could take.


·           Fly tipping was a city wide issue and the council had successfully pursued prosecutions against individuals for fly tipping. However the majority of illegally dumped material included nothing which could identify the perpetrator.


·           Resident Involvement Officers were chasing City Clean to clear weeds and rubbish where residents had reported it as an issue.



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