Agenda item - Procurement programme for Housing repairs, planned maintenance and capital works
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Agenda item
Procurement programme for Housing repairs, planned maintenance and capital works
42.1 Officers stated that nothing about how the new housing repairs contract would look had been decided yet. The current contract with Mears expired in 2020. Officers wanted to ensure that every one had the opportunity to feed into the contract. The engagement strategy for residents was currently being drawn up and would be brought back to residents at a future meeting.
42.2 In response to questions officers stated:
· The length and scope of the contract had not yet been set. The council operated contracts of between 3-10 years in length. The repairs contract currently covered all repairs but it could be split geographically or by types of work.
· Resident engagement would include large engagement events as well as feedback from surveys and through resident representatives.
42.3 Resolved: That the report was noted
Supporting documents:
- Area Panel - Housing Procurement Programme Briefing 05-02-18, item 42. PDF 242 KB View as HTML (42./1) 27 KB