Agenda item - Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

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Agenda item

Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

The Chair of the Board will formally ask if anyone is attending to represent another member, and if anyone has a personal and/or financial interest in anything being discussed at the meeting.  The Board will then consider whether any of the discussions to be held need to be in private.


53 (a)  Declarations of substitutes        


53.1    There were no substitutes


53 (b) Declarations of Interest


53.2    Councillor Yates declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Items 58, 59 and 60 as he was employed by Western Sussex Hospitals Trust. Councillor Yates stated he had applied for and been granted dispensation by the Council’s Monitoring Officer to permit him to Chair the Health and Wellbeing Board in its consideration of items relating to the NHS Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, and to speak and vote on those items, on the basis that the project to review health and social care service did not currently raise a direct or material conflict with his employment.


            Councillor Barford declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Items 58, 59 and 60 as she was employed by St Peter and St James Hospice North Chailey. Councillor Barford stated that she had applied for and been granted dispensation by the Council’s Monitoring Officer to permit her to attend and participate in the Health and Wellbeing Board in its consideration of items relating to the NHS Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, and to speak and vote on those items, on the basis that the project to review health and social care service did not currently raise a direct or material conflict with her employment.



53 (c) Exclusion of press and public


53.3    The Chair stated that as there were no Part Two items the press and public would not be excluded from the meeting.




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