Agenda item - Update on Investment Plan
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Agenda item
Update on Investment Plan
- Meeting of Greater Brighton Economic Board, Tuesday, 17th April, 2018 10.00am (Item 37.)
- View the background to item 37.
Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board
1) That the Board note the contents of the Investment Programme Update.
37.1 The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided a progress update on the Greater Brighton Investment Programme since the previous meeting on 6 February 2018. The report also provided an update on the Local Growth Fund (LGF) allocations made as part of the Growth Deal Round 3 and the progress on projects awarded unallocated monies from Growth Deals Rounds 1 & 2. Furthermore, the Board were presented with two new methods of reporting the Investment Programme update for consideration following member requests for additional information and a clearer format to be proposed.
37.2 Andrew Swayne commented that the landscape option of the two proposals was his preferred format as it had a clear narrative, was well presented and would be useful for public communication purposes however; he would like to see some information on risk management included in the document.
37.3 Nick Hibberd stated that whilst there were mixed views on a ‘traffic light system’ of reporting, risk was clearly an important factor in the Plan and consideration would be given as to how that could be included.
37.4 Councillor Wall stated that oversight was different to extensive scrutiny as future versions of the report should be mindful in how it best presented the former.
37.5 RESOVLED- That the Board note the contents of the Investment Programme Update.
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